Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Monetary Policy Process

Question: Talk about the Monetary Policy Process. Answer: Presentation The four resource classes in Table I are Australian offers, Australian Bonds, Cash rate and International stocks. The principal resource class is the Australian offers. This comprise the organizations recorded on ASX and the profits are the year on year return on these stocks. The following resource class is the Australian Bonds which are the bonds given by the Australian Government. The following resource class is the Australian money rate likewise called the official money rate (OCR). This is the Australian base rate. Banks pay this financing cost when they apply for a new line of credit with a development of 1 day from another bank.(RBA, 2016) The following resource class is the worldwide stocks which are scrips recorded on trades everywhere throughout the world other than Australia. Utilizing the information from the table which is the 25 year on year return on these benefit classes Arithmetic mean, Geometric Mean and Standard deviation has been determined. A spreadsheet has been utilized to ascertain the different measures. The table underneath sums up the outcomes. Resource class Australian Shares Australian Bonds Money Rate Worldwide Stocks Math Mean 15.98571429 11.51429 9.257143 14.88571 Geometric Mean 14.38 10.14 8.32 13.14 Standard Deviation 21.4592035 6.855883 4.332224 22.08374 Math mean of profits is just the normal of profits over a given timeframe. While it is a basic and helpful instrument for ascertaining normal returns the issue emerges when there are negative returns in a given year. All things considered number-crunching mean doesnt fundamentally give the best gauge of a hazard return on an advantage. Geometric mean then again is a superior gauge of a hazard return on a benefit. Number juggling mean would will in general exaggerate the development and not give a reasonable gauge of hazard return, it gives a normal exhibition measure over numerous holding periods. Notable in insights, AM is more delicate to anomalies than is GM and as such GM might be favored in such cases. From the point of view of hazard averseness, AM probably won't be liked. (Yang, Hung, Zhao, 2013)If we think about an advantage with returns of 10%,20% and 6% more than three years, the AM would be 12% though the GM would be 10.62%. Subsequently we see that AM over all benefit cla sses is more than the geometric mean. Standard deviation is the square foundation of the change which thus is the distinction between the mean and the genuine return. Thus standard deviation is a decent apparatus to gauge the instability of an asset.(New York University, 2013) Generally, a steady resource would have less standard deviation contrasted with a dangerous and an unstable resource. AM for Australian offers is generally 16% while the GM is 14.4% and the standard deviation is 21.45 from the Arithmetic Mean. This would demonstrate an exceptionally unpredictable resource. AM for Australian Bonds is 11.5 and the GM is 10.14 and the standard deviation is 6.85 from the mean. This would demonstrate a moderately steady resource. AM for money rate is 9.25 and the GM is 8.32 while the deviation is 4.33 demonstrating that over all benefits this is the most steady. AM for universal stocks is 15 while GM is around 13 though the SD is 22 demonstrating this is the most unpredictable resource. Development of A Portfolio Financial Vs Monetary Policy Financial arrangement alludes to the administration strategies with respect to consumptions and tac levels through which it screens and controls a countries economy. Summarizing it tends to be depicted as the system for charge rates and government uses. Through the methods for these the legislature can change(increase or diminish) total interest and level of financial movement. It can likewise achieve changes in reserve funds and speculation designs. At the point when the financial development is moderate, government can utilize the monetary arrangement to diminish the duty rate in this way expanding total interest and on the other hand use it to the contrary impact too to hinder the pace of solid monetary development and balance out prices.(Caballero, 2013) Then again, Monetary policyis the procedure through which the fiscal authority of a nation, for the most part a national bank controls the flexibly of cash in the economy by its power over financing costs so as to keep up value dependability and accomplish high monetary development. By controlling the flexibly of cash to the economy the national banks can either incite expanded request or delayed up an economy developing at a pace quicker than foreseen so as to stop inflationary patterns. The three factors that would decide how delicate an organizations profit are to the business cycle are: Nature of item: The offer of non vital merchandise, for example, show pieces, collectibles will decay though that of fundamental things, for example, food supplies and so forth would be steady. Working influence: An organization having a low proportion of fixed expenses to factors costs will be progressively adaptable in changing in accordance with value slices when contrasted with an organization with high fixed expenses. Obligation value proportion: A firm having more obligation in its capital structure is supposed to be utilized. Obligation in spite of the fact that diminishes the WACC(Weighted Average Cost of Capital) and builds benefit when the firm is in high development stage, yet it additionally expands the weight of fixed costs. Henceforth having the influence of obligation in a capital structure is a two edged blade as it makes the firm less delicate to recessionary patterns. Valution of Options The estimation of a call choice operating at a profit Scholes model can be composed as an element of the five factors: S = Current stock cost; for this situation 39 K = Strike cost of the alternative; for this situation 35 t = Life to termination of the choice; for this situation allowed as a half year or year r = Riskless loan fee relating to the life of the alternative which is given as 5.3% in the given situation ^2= Variance in the ln(value) of the hidden resource; for this situation given as square of 0.3 Estimation of call = S N (d1) - K e-rt N(d2) where d1 = ln(S/K) + (r + ^2/2 ) t/*t^1/2 Note that e-rt is the current worth factor and mirrors the way that the activity cost on the call choice doesn't need to be paid until termination. N(d1) and N(d2) are probabilities, evaluated by utilizing an aggregate normalized ordinary conveyance and the estimations of d1 and d2 acquired for an option.(Damodran, 2005) Utilizing the qualities on a spreadsheet d1 is gotten as 1.86 and d2 is acquired as 1.66. Utilizing the ordinary conveyance table from the endorsed course reading then N(d1) and N(d2) is acquired as 0.9686 and 0.9515 individually. Utilizing the equation at that point estimation of the call is gotten as $8.83. Essentially, estimation of put alternative is given by P=Xe^-rT[1-N(d2)]-S[1-n(d1))] (Damodran, 2005) Placing the qualities in the recipe the put alternative valuation is shown up at $1.01. Imprint to Market Settlements The day by day mark-to-advertise settlements for each agreement held by the long position has been determined and organized as follows. The qualities in the subsequent segment acquired by taking away that days cost with the beginning cost and the all out continues determined by increasing the complete amount with the second segment which for this situation is 100 ounces. Day benefit/misfortune per ounce All out continues 0 1197.9 1 1198.7 0.8 80 2 1194.7 - 3.2 - 320 3 1247.9 50 5000 4 1239.1 41.2 4120 5 1239.1 41.2 4120 6 1207.9 10 1000 7 1211.1 13.2 1320 8 1226.1 28.2 2820 9 1230.4 32.5 3250 10 1209.5 11.6 1160 Premise is the distinction between the spot cost and the future cost. For instance, if the spot cost for an ounce of gold is $195 and the future cost for conveyance following 10 days is $198. All things considered the premise is 3 dollars. Assume the following day the spot value diminishes to 193 dollars and the future cost for conveyance gets 195. All things considered the premise decreases to 3 dollars from 2 dollars. In any supporting methodology there is a hazard that the two ventures used to balance each other wont move a similar way. This opens the financial specialist to a position wherein he/she can make abundance increases or misfortunes emerging from the vacillations. This hazard is known as the premise risk.(Ankirchner, Kratz, Kruse, 2013) For instance a speculator supports a two-year bond with acquisition of govt bills. The hazard that the two wont move a similar way is consistently there and structures the establishment for the premise chance. Prospects and choices are money related agreements and both are instances of subsidiaries as their worth is gotten from that of a fundamental resource. Future is a case of a budgetary agreement Futures are a lot of like advances yet are a more developed item as in they are adaptable and give the alternative of expelling the commitment before the expiry of the agreement. Future agreements are broadly utilized by the banks to support cash risks.(Meera, 2002) Options are comparative budgetary agreements however the central matter wherein they contrast from fates is that going into an alternative agreement gives the purchaser of the choice right yet not the commitment to purchase or sell an advantage. A call choice is for purchase, while a put alternative is for sell. Hazard Adjusted Return Mesaures Sharpe proportion was an instrument created by William Sharpe and since its initiation has become the most broadly utilized measure for assessing hazard balanced return. It is given by (Return on the Asset-Risk free rate)/Standard deviation.(Pav, 2016) For the given model, Sharpe proportion of the portfolio is determined as (0.12-0.055)/0.33 which is gotten as 0.19 or at the end of the day for each purpose of return the speculator is conveying 0.19 units of hazard. Additionally, the Sharpe proportion for the market utilizing a similar strategy is acquired as 0.1. Thus what Sharpe proportion reasons is that the portfolio is givin

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Outbreak of WW1 essays

Flare-up of WW1 articles It was Otto Von Bismarcks long for a German realm that truly got the show on the road towards world war one. In 1862, Bismarck was picked remote clergyman of Prussia and from that point he vanquished the Austrians and the French where he increased a lot of an area (states) which unmistakably caused a lot of pressure through Western Europe, and made Bismarcks German domain. From that point, Bismarck understood that the French would want la revanche for their devastating annihilations against Prussia and therefore made the new international strategy to separate France. This is the place the union framework truly gained out of power. He previously made the Three Emperors League in 1873; this comprised of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia. Furthermore, was fundamentally a consent to consult with one another about universal significance and to keep going back and forth whenever assaulted by some other country outside the association. The main genuine issue with this partnership was the nervous demeanor between Austria-Hungary and Russia who both had interests in controlling the Balkan area. Bismarck didn't have a lot of trust in the Russians and framed more grounded ties with the Austria-Hungarians and in 1879 the Dual Alliance was marked stealthily. The two of them concurred if either was assaulted by Russia they would be encouraged and to remain neutral whenever assaulted by another nation. This was an exceptionally bold move which truly could have caused a gigantic measure of antagonistic vibe in Europe, however the union proceeded until WWI. In 1882 the union among Germany and Austria-Hungary was ventured into a triple collusion and Italy joined. It at that point extended again with Romania participating in 1883 and Turkey participating in 1914. In 1887 the Russians turned down the Three Emperors League as a result of the pressure still between Austria-Hungary and themselves. The mystery of governmental issues? Make a decent settlement with Russia. The Germans understanding the significance of Russia (being one ... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

How To Handle Burnout

How To Handle Burnout Burnout is a very real experience that several people go through during their time as a student as well as in the workforce. I myself have experienced burnout during my time in college, and it is an experience that left me feeling a bit confused as to what to do in order to deal with it. Realize whats going on. I had always been used to being on the go constantly and doing a million and one things, most of which I enjoyed doing. So when classes and activities that had always interested me or made me happy began to feel like burdens, I was scared and confused about what was going on. What I didnt realize was that even too much of a good thing (or what seems like a good thing at the moment) can have some pretty negative results. In short, I was tired! Exhausted! Worn-out! However you prefer to phrase it, burnout still remains the sameâ€"feeling overwhelmed, exhausted (mentally, physically, and/or emotionally), and overworked. While one of the largest signs that I was experiencing intense burnout was no longer finding joy or interest in things that I always had, burnout can show its head in several different ways, so it is important to pay attention to your body, thoughts, and emotions. Overcoming burnout can appear to be a very daunting task, which sometimes was the case for me because I felt like doing less was going to mean achieving less. But, the truth is that if youre burnt out, it doesnt matter how many wonderful things youre doing because you wont have the energy to do them well anyway. It is better to focus your time and energy on a few things that you really care about and that challenge you than to have your time and focus going in a million different directions. I decided to come up with a few things that I could implement into my own life to help me overcome burnout while also doing my best to prevent it in the future. Take a step back and examine your task. The first thing that I did once I realized that I was burnt out was take a step back and examine everything that I was doing on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. I recommend doing this as if your schedule isnt yours but rather the schedule of a stranger, because it is a lot easier to be honest about how much work youre doing if you feel detached from it. After doing this, I realized that I had no time to care for myself. My schedule was jam-packed with a million tasks that stressed me out because there was always something to do and not enough time to do it. If it wasnt one thing, it was another. So I had to make some serious decisions about what tasks were really important to me and which ones I could remove altogether. This also meant looking at my class schedule and really making sure that I was taking classes that not only interested me but that also were at good time slots for me as well. I am not a morning person, and I wont become one, so why put myself through early morning classes? Take some time to weigh all of your responsibilities and only keep the ones that make you happy and that you can sustain doing for the entire semester or year. This will keep you satisfied with your schedule while also preventing you from getting overwhelmed or exhausted. Prioritize having scheduled downtime. I recently realized that any free time in my schedule wasnt actually free time. They were mere blocks of time where I didnt have to physically be in a specific place but still needed to be doing homework, tasks for work, or some other form of work. This lack of genuine relaxation time definitely played a role in my burnout because I never gave myself time to just sit down and do nothing or do something just for fun. A new goal of mines is to consciously schedule a time for me to do nothing at all. Everyone needs time to just relax and do the things that they enjoy because it helps our bodies recharge and keeps our minds happy, too! Keep time to do nothing in mind when youre picking your class schedules, work schedules, and choosing any other obligations for the semester so that youre less likely to start feeling overwhelmed by all of your responsibilities and tasks. Do not be afraid to say no. One of the most difficult things for me is saying no, particularly to opportunities. It is very important to take advantage of opportunities in college and all throughout life, but it is very easy to just become a yes-person without taking time to determine if you even have time for each opportunity that comes your way. I now try to really think about each opportunity that comes my way and analyze if I have enough time to fully commit to it, whether anything else in my life will drastically suffer if I add this opportunity into my daily life (school, work, social life, relaxation time, time with family, eating, etc.), and whether the opportunity aligns with what Im passionate about and where Im trying to go in life. If the answer to the first question is no, then I automatically know that I cant commit to whatever the opportunity or experience is! I hope that these tips help you with overcoming and preventing burnout! ?? Taylor Class of 2021 Hey y’all, I’m a History and Gender and Women Studies double major and a French minor from Chicago! I concentrate in all things Black and Black women studies and love long-distance running.

How To Handle Burnout

How To Handle Burnout Burnout is a very real experience that several people go through during their time as a student as well as in the workforce. I myself have experienced burnout during my time in college, and it is an experience that left me feeling a bit confused as to what to do in order to deal with it. Realize whats going on. I had always been used to being on the go constantly and doing a million and one things, most of which I enjoyed doing. So when classes and activities that had always interested me or made me happy began to feel like burdens, I was scared and confused about what was going on. What I didnt realize was that even too much of a good thing (or what seems like a good thing at the moment) can have some pretty negative results. In short, I was tired! Exhausted! Worn-out! However you prefer to phrase it, burnout still remains the sameâ€"feeling overwhelmed, exhausted (mentally, physically, and/or emotionally), and overworked. While one of the largest signs that I was experiencing intense burnout was no longer finding joy or interest in things that I always had, burnout can show its head in several different ways, so it is important to pay attention to your body, thoughts, and emotions. Overcoming burnout can appear to be a very daunting task, which sometimes was the case for me because I felt like doing less was going to mean achieving less. But, the truth is that if youre burnt out, it doesnt matter how many wonderful things youre doing because you wont have the energy to do them well anyway. It is better to focus your time and energy on a few things that you really care about and that challenge you than to have your time and focus going in a million different directions. I decided to come up with a few things that I could implement into my own life to help me overcome burnout while also doing my best to prevent it in the future. Take a step back and examine your task. The first thing that I did once I realized that I was burnt out was take a step back and examine everything that I was doing on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. I recommend doing this as if your schedule isnt yours but rather the schedule of a stranger, because it is a lot easier to be honest about how much work youre doing if you feel detached from it. After doing this, I realized that I had no time to care for myself. My schedule was jam-packed with a million tasks that stressed me out because there was always something to do and not enough time to do it. If it wasnt one thing, it was another. So I had to make some serious decisions about what tasks were really important to me and which ones I could remove altogether. This also meant looking at my class schedule and really making sure that I was taking classes that not only interested me but that also were at good time slots for me as well. I am not a morning person, and I wont become one, so why put myself through early morning classes? Take some time to weigh all of your responsibilities and only keep the ones that make you happy and that you can sustain doing for the entire semester or year. This will keep you satisfied with your schedule while also preventing you from getting overwhelmed or exhausted. Prioritize having scheduled downtime. I recently realized that any free time in my schedule wasnt actually free time. They were mere blocks of time where I didnt have to physically be in a specific place but still needed to be doing homework, tasks for work, or some other form of work. This lack of genuine relaxation time definitely played a role in my burnout because I never gave myself time to just sit down and do nothing or do something just for fun. A new goal of mines is to consciously schedule a time for me to do nothing at all. Everyone needs time to just relax and do the things that they enjoy because it helps our bodies recharge and keeps our minds happy, too! Keep time to do nothing in mind when youre picking your class schedules, work schedules, and choosing any other obligations for the semester so that youre less likely to start feeling overwhelmed by all of your responsibilities and tasks. Do not be afraid to say no. One of the most difficult things for me is saying no, particularly to opportunities. It is very important to take advantage of opportunities in college and all throughout life, but it is very easy to just become a yes-person without taking time to determine if you even have time for each opportunity that comes your way. I now try to really think about each opportunity that comes my way and analyze if I have enough time to fully commit to it, whether anything else in my life will drastically suffer if I add this opportunity into my daily life (school, work, social life, relaxation time, time with family, eating, etc.), and whether the opportunity aligns with what Im passionate about and where Im trying to go in life. If the answer to the first question is no, then I automatically know that I cant commit to whatever the opportunity or experience is! I hope that these tips help you with overcoming and preventing burnout! ?? Taylor Class of 2021 Hey y’all, I’m a History and Gender and Women Studies double major and a French minor from Chicago! I concentrate in all things Black and Black women studies and love long-distance running.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

November Calendar of Famous Inventions and Birthdays

November is the month of Thanksgiving and some of the best inventions that made their official public debut with the registration of their patents, trademarks, or copyrights. Literary works, new methods of manufacturing, and new products all made their appearance for the first time in November. Throughout history, the 11th month of the year has also been when many great  inventors and scientists were born, and you can find out which famous figures and inventions share your November birthday below. Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights From the birth of Apple Jacks cereal  to several special  Thanksgiving  Day inventions, there are many great creations that got their official start with the registration of their patents, trademarks, and copyrights in the month of November. November 1 1966: Apple Jacks cereal was trademark registered. November 2 1955: Jim Hensons Kermit the Frog, the first Muppet, was copyright registered. November 3 1903: Listerine was trademark registered. November 4 1862: Richard Gatling received a patent for the machine gun. November 5 1901:  Henry Ford received a patent for a motor carriage. November 6 1928: Colonel Jacob Schick patented the first electric razor. November 7 1955: The movie Guys and Dolls, based on stories by Damon Runyon,  was copyright registered. November 8 1956: Cecile B Demilles The Ten Commandments was copyright registered. November 9 1842: George Bruce received the first design patent for printing typefaces. November 10 1981: The board game Trivial Pursuit was registered. November 11 1901:  NABISCO, the snack food manufacturer, was trademark registered. November 12 1940: Batman, the original comic strip, was trademark registered. November 13 1979:  Robert Jarvik was granted a patent for an artificial heart. November 14 1973: Patsy Sherman and Samuel Smith obtained a patent for a method for treating carpets known as Scotchguard. November 15 1904: Patent Number 775,134 was granted to King C. Gillette for a safety razor. November 16 1977: Stephen Spielbergs Close Encounters of the Third Kind was copyright registered. November 17 1891:  Emile Berliner was issued a patent for a combined telegraph and telephone. November 18 1952:  ELMERS glue was trademark registered. November 19 1901:  Granville Woods was issued a patent for a third rail to operate electrified railways. November 20 1923: Patent Number 1,475,024 was granted to Garrett Morgan for a traffic signal. November 21 1854: Issac Von Bunschoten patented a rosin-oil lamp. November 22 1904: Design patent for the Congressional Medal of Honor was granted to George Gillespie. November 23 1898:  Andrew Beard was granted a patent for a railway car coupler. November 24 1874: Patent Number 157,124 was granted to Joseph Glidden for barbed wire fencing. November 25 1975: Robert S. Ledley was granted patent Number 3,922,522 for diagnostic X-ray systems known as the CAT-Scan. November 26 1895: Russell Penniman received a patent for a transparent photographic film. November 27 1894: Mildred Lord was granted a patent for a washing machine. November 28 1905: ARM HAMMER baking soda was trademark registered. November 29 1881: Francis Blake was granted a patent for the speaking phone. November 30 1858: John Mason patented the screw neck bottle called the Mason Jar. November Birthdays From Marie Curie, who discovered radium, to the Fourth Earl of Sandwich, who invented the sandwich, November has given birth to a number of influential scientists and inventors throughout history. Listed by date and year they were born, the following famous figures changed the world with the accomplishments they made in their lifetimes. November 1 1950: Robert B. Laughlin  was an American physicist who won the 1998 Nobel Prize in physics for producing  body wave function in the  fractional quantum Hall effect.1880: Alfred L Wegener was a German meteorologist that revealed the continental shift.1878: Carlos Saavedra Lamas was an Argentinian who was the first to be awarded the Latin American Nobel Peace Prize in 1936. November 2 1929: Amar Bose was an electrical engineer with a Ph.D. from MIT and the founder and chairman of Bose Corporation, which patented advanced speakers that mimic being inside a concert hall.1942: Shere Hite is an author and sex therapist, who wrote the Hite Report. November 3 1718: John Montague was the Fourth Earl of Sandwich and the inventor of the  sandwich. November 4 1912: Pauline Trigere was the fashion designer that created bell-bottom pants.1923: Alfred Heineken was a beer brewer that founded Heineken  beer. November 5 1534: Carlos Saavedra Lamas was a German botanist and physician who wrote the first horticulture catalog.1855: Leon P Teisserenc de Bort was a French meteorologist who discovered the existence of Earths stratosphere.1893: Raymond Loewy was an American industrial designer that designed everything from Coca-Cola vending machines to  Pennsylvania Railroads S1 steam locomotive.1930: Frank Adams was a British mathematician, who greatly advanced concepts of  homotopy theory.1946:  Patricia K Kuhl is a speech and hearing scientist and a major contributor to the neuroscience, language acquisition, and speech recognition communities. November 6 1771: Alois Senefelder invented  lithography.1814: Adolphe Sax was the Belgium musician who invented the saxophone.1861:  James Naismith  invented the rules of basketball. November 7 1855: Edwin H. Hall was an American physicist who discovered the Hall effect.1867: Marie Curie  was the French scientist who discovered radium and won the Nobel Prize in 1903 and 1911.1878: Lise Meitner was the Austrian-Swedish physicist who discovered protactinium.1888: Chandrasekhara Raman was the Indian physicist who won the Nobel Prize for Physics for his advancements in the study of light scattering in 1930.1910: Edmund Leach was a British social anthropologist who greatly influenced the field of British structural-functionalism.1950: Alexa Canady was the first black woman to become a neurosurgeon. November 8 1656: English astronomer Edmund Halley discovered the Halley comet.1922: Christiaan Barnard was a South African surgeon who performed the first heart transplant.1923:  Jack Kilby  was an American scientist who  invented the integrated circuit (the microchip).1930: Edmund Happold was the structural engineer who founded engineering constituency. November 9 1850: Lewis Lewin was a German toxicologist who is considered the father of psychopharmacologist.1897: Ronald G. W. Norrish was a British chemist who won the Nobel Prize in 1967 for the development of flash photolysis.1906: Arthur Rudolph was a German rocket engineer who helped develop the American space program. November 10 1819: Cyrus West Field financed the first transatlantic cable.1895: John Knudsen Northrop was an aircraft designer who founded Northrop Air.1918: Ernst Fischer is the German chemist who won the Nobel Prize in 1973 for pioneering the field of organometallic chemistry. November 11 1493: Paracelsus was the  Swiss scientist who is known as the father of toxicology. November 12 1841: John W. Rayleigh was the English physicist won the Nobel prize in 1904 for discovering argon. November 13 1893: Edward A. Doisy Sr. was an American biochemist who invented a way to manufacture Vitamin K1 and won the Nobel prize in 1943.1902: Gustav von Koenigswald was a paleontologist who found Pithecanthropus erectus. November 14 1765:  Robert Fulton  built the first steamboat.1776: Henri Dutrochet discovered and named the process of osmosis.1797: Charles Lyell was  a Scottish geologist who wrote The Principles of Geology.1863:  Leo Baekeland  was a Belgian-American chemist who invented the  bakelite. November 15 1793: Michel Chasles was a  French mathematician who  specialized in geometry. November 16 1857: Henry Potonie was a German geologist who studied coal formation. November 17 1906: Soichiro Honda was the founder and first CEO of the Honda Motor Company.1902: Eugene Paul Wigner was a  Mathematician and physicist and the co-inventor of the A-Bomb who won the Nobel Prize in 1963. November 18 1839: August A. Kundt was a  German physicist who researched sound vibration and invented the test of Kundt.1897: British physicist, Patrick M. S. Blackett invented a nuclear reaction won the Nobel Prize in 1948.1906: American physiologist/biologist, George Wald won the Nobel prize in 1967. November 19 1912: George E Palade is cell biologist who discovered ribosomes and won the Nobel Prize in 1974.1936: Yuan T. Lee is a Taiwanese chemist who was the first from the country to win a Nobel Prize for his work on the dynamics of chemical elementary processes. November 20 1602: Otto von Guericke invented the air pump.1886: Karl von Frisch was a zoologist and bee expert who won the Nobel Prize in 1973.1914: Emilio Pucci is an Italian fashion designer known for his prints.1916: Robert A. Bruce was a pioneer in exercise cardiology. November 21 1785: William Beaumont was a surgeon who was first to research digestion.1867: Vladimir N. Ipatiev was a  Russian petroleum chemist who made huge advancements in the field. November 22 1511: Erasmus Reinhold was the German mathematician who calculated planetary table.1891: Erik Lindahl was a  Swedish economist who wrote The Theory of Money and Capital.1919: Wilfred Norman Aldridge was a biochemist and toxicologist. November 23 1924: Colin Turnbull was an anthropologist and one of the first ethnomusicologist who wrote The Forest People and The Mountain People.1934: Rita Rossi Colwell is an  environmental microbiologist  whos known around the world for her research. November 24 1953: Tod Machover is an  American composer who invented the use of new technology in music. November 25 1893: Joseph Wood Krutch was an American environmentalist and writer whose nature books on the American Southwest and critiques of reductionistic science made him famous.1814: Julius Robert Mayer was a  German scientist who was one of the founders of thermodynamics.1835: Andrew Carnegie was an industrialist and a noted philanthropist. November 26 1607: John Harvard was a clergyman and scholar who founded Harvard University.1876:  Willis Haviland Carrier  invented air-conditioning equipment.1894: Norbert Wiener was the American mathematicians who invented cybernetics.1913: Joshua William Steward invented polymath. November 27 1701: Anders Celsius was a Swedish scientist who invented the centigrade temperature scale.1894: Forrest Shaklee founded Shaklee Products.1913: Frances Swem Anderson was a technologist who researched nuclear medicine.1955: Scientist actor, Bill Nye is a scientist and actor who hosts a show on Netflix about science based on his original Bill Nye the Science Guy show from the 80s and 90s. November 28 1810: William Froude was an English engineer and a naval architect.1837:  John Wesley Hyatt  invented celluloid.1854: Gottlieb J. Haberlandt was a German botanist who discovered plant tissue cultures. November 29 1803: Christian Doppler was an Austrian physicist who invented Doppler effect radar.1849:  John Ambrose Fleming  invented the first practical electron tube called the Fleming Valve and the vacuum tube diode.1911: Klaus Fuchs was a British atomic physicist who was arrested for being a spy.1915: Earl W. Sutherland was the American pharmacologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1971 for discoveries concerning the mechanisms of the actions of hormones. November 30 1827: Ernest H. Baillon was a French botanist who wrote The History of Plants.1889: Edgar D. Adrian was an  English physiologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1932 for his work on neurons.1915: Henry Taube was a chemist who won the Nobel prize in 1983 for his work  in the mechanisms of electron-transfer reactions, especially in metal complexes.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Operations Management and Management Science Case Study

Operations Management and Management Science Case Study Capacity Planning New Balance Athletic Shoes Summary James Davis is the president and general manager of New Balance Athletic Shoes. The Boston, Massachusetts based company began producing corrective shoes and arch supports in 1906. New Balance garnered a reputation for quality specialty footwear when in the 1950s it began producing running shoes for men. It is the beginning of 1978 and Mr. Davis has a number of important decisions to make regarding the future of his growing company. In recent years the demand for running shoes has experienced explosive growth. The increasing popularity of the sport of running requires James Davis to carefully evaluate the accuracy of the†¦show more content†¦Adidas and Nike, being larger more top heavy corporations, will naturally have longer time periods between research and development and product release. We suggest that New Balance take advantage of its smaller size by releasing the types of new products previously detailed at a faster pace than their larger competitors. It is in this area that we feel New Balances demand forecast is flawed. The forecasts short term reliance on current products in the companys shoe line is an error that may cause New Balance sales. As evidenced by the average two year appearance in Runners World ratings, the life span of a running shoe is short. We do not believe that New Balance can rely on the 320 to carry sales until their new trainer is available (1yr.) to gain market share. New Balance needs to rapidly release newly developed, state of the art running shoes prior to both industry leaders to put the company in a position to capture additional market share. In addition to believing that New Balances product mix has been forecasted incorrectly, we also contend that it has been somewhat overestimated. The following alternate demand forecast estimates overall market demand, as well as demand estimates for specific consumer categories. Please take note of the assumptions that were made in theShow MoreRelatedOperations Management Is The Branch Of Management’S Science1571 Words   |  7 PagesOperations Management is the branch of management’s science concerned in studying how to achieve successful management with the day-by-day operations of an organization. This study is dedicated in developing and applying the methods that are necessary to achieve business and operations improvement of the company. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Problem Of Global Warming - 1088 Words

Four decades from now, we do not want to repeat the story in the movie The Age of Stupid, in which a man lives in the devastated future world of 2055. The man looks back to today’s date and asks himself why we did not stop the climate change when we had the chance. However, today global warming is out of control, global temperatures are steadily rising. â€Å"The primary cause, a consensus of scientists has said, is the rising emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane† (Stone, 2013). The CO2 stays in the atmosphere for 50 to 100 years, nitrous oxide for 114 years while the methane stay in the atmosphere for at least 12 years. The impact of these greenhouse gases is of an immediate concern as it is increasing and is long lasting so we should not wait any longer to control the human activities that produce these greenhouse gases causing the climate change. For instance, we do not want to wait for another hurricane such as Katrina to occur. Hurricane Katrina was a climate change effect. The Regents of the University of California (2014) states Hurricane Katrina and other hurricanes develop when the water and the sun heat the air above the ocean and causes atmospheric low pressures known as tropical depressions. The heat on the air above the ocean causes the hurricane. Besides, scientists say that temperature depends on the greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, nitrous oxide and water (H2O) vapor in the atmosphere. These greenhousesShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming Is A Problem Essay1527 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract Global warming is a dilemma; it is a debatable issue between a fact and a theory, between approval and disapproval and between having advantages and disadvantages. Endless questions that have indefinite answers arise to a man’s mind when just tackling the idea of the global warming. Many people do not take in consideration the environmental issues, their main interests lie behind thinking about their personal lives and needs. Only few who think about the environment they‘re living in. IsRead MoreThe Problem Of Global Warming1131 Words   |  5 PagesOne of the biggest problems facing in today s world is global warming. It is affecting the earth from climate changes, storms becoming worse over time creating damage to peoples homes, species dying because they can’t adapt rapidly to the changes, animal s population is shrinking and new diseases being created. Thankfully through time we have developed new technology to reduce the effect of global warming. However since we have dealt with global warming for so long for many years, we have doubleRead MoreThe Problem Of Global Warming1228 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is a Social Problem? A social issue is defined as an area of conflict in a social setting that influences different people and is often out of reach of the control of an individual or local geographical authority (Weart 73). Some social problems, however, are not perceived universally as such, resulting in a difference in opinion between different groups. Other social issues are universally recognized as justifiable and, therefore, are addressed by everyone. Global warming is a social issueRead MoreGlobal Warming Is A Problem1381 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is global warming? Global warming is the polar bears and penguins fighting for their lives because their home is melting. Global warming is seventy-degree weather in the middle of February. Global warming is the rapid increase in tropical storms. Global warming is the California drought. Global warming is the harmful wildfires occurring in our forests (NRDC). Many people, mostly politicians, believe that global warming is a problem that doesn’t exist. Global warming is a real issue that we cannotRead MoreThe Problem Of Global Warming1311 Words   |  6 Pagesknow is inhabitable is now being destroyed by man. As humanity has revolutionized we have created many problems along the way. The main problem we are facing right now is called global warming. We have damaged many ecosystems trying to better ourselves, and we have not yet once thought about the damage we are inflicting on our mother earth. We are already beginning to see the effects of global warming. It will make little changes that will have a huge impact, and devastate many ecosystems and everythingRead MoreThe Problem Of Global Warming1430 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal Warming in the United Stated Global warming is no longer just a prediction it is actually happening. It is undisputed that the average temperature at the surface of Earth has increased over the past century by 1 degree Fahrenheit, with both the air and the oceans warming. Since 1880, when people in many locations first began to keep temperature records, the 25 warmest years have all occurred within the last 28 years. The problem is that if we keep on hurting our own environment and ecosystemsRead MoreThe Problem Of Global Warming1443 Words   |  6 Pagesstruggle such as the Syrian war. One reason why Syrians are engaged in a war is that they are experiencing extreme heat and drought which causes them to be more rebellious and aggressive. The underlying cause of these trouble can be due to global warming. Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases trap heat in Earth’s atmosphere because some of the sun’s ray cannot escape. It is a worldwide phenomenon that impacts each a nd every one of us because it cause irregular climate patternsRead MoreGlobal Warming Is A Problem1654 Words   |  7 Pagesthis reason is global warming. Global warming is a problem that some people choose to ignore. They claim it does not exist. Global warming is real. It is time for people to stop ignoring it and start searching for a solution. Although many people do not believe in global warming, blaming the climate change on the sun, global warming is a serious danger to the Earth because it could have serious effects on the plant and animal populations. To fully grasp the effects of global warming, one must firstRead MoreGlobal Warming Is A Global Problem1418 Words   |  6 PagesThe reason why, I decided to focus on global warming is because it doesn’t just affect one person it affects everyone as a national crisis. Numerous individuals don’t believe in global warming, but to scientist this is a big dilemma. In the article, â€Å"closer looks at climate change, it’s specified that these issues are not new, they have been around forever† (Schmidt, 2010). â€Å"In the article the real case against activist global warming, has gotten the response of the president of the United States†Read MoreThe Problem Of Global Warming1300 Words   |  6 Pageshelp of society. One of the problems is global warming. Global warming is only possible by having excess of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. So where is the excess carbon dioxide coming from? Have you ever spray a can of hair spray well that hair spray contains carbon dioxide, but just one person doesn’t make a difference now think about a whole world who uses it each time you spray, carbon dioxide is released in the world, yet this is not the real threat of global warming. The real main threat is

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Management Information Essay Example For Students

Management Information Essay Planning for Management Information SystemPlanning for Management Information System The biggest challenge and most critical success factor in reengineering projects are persuading the people within the organization to cooperate. When you begin to computerize a legacy system considers the advantages; reduced clerical cost, quicker processing time and improved customer service. Everyone knows that the computer capabilities alone make life a lot easier for all managers. The advantage of time and accuracy spread over the lifespan of the information system means improved long-term vision and focus for top, middle and lower managers.A management information system (MIS) focus is on information that management needs to prepare its job. This task becomes much more difficult when the major players have a tradition of high independence, are often confrontational to management, and are irreplaceable independent contractors. CIOs in major business organizations face exactly this situation; furt her complicated by the fact that the reengineering effort is crucial to the continued existence of the organization. Such discussion has driven the software industry to focus attention on software specifically designed to support the team approach essential to most service and customer oriented organizations. The importance of teamwork can not be over emphasize in achieving overall organizational goals, and the need to capture and manage an organizations knowledge base remain crucial. This teamwork enables the organization to achieve and sustain competitive advantage in their business. In considering the framework for an information system (IS) each level operational, tactical and strategic planning requires different IS. At the operational planning system, the IS collect, validate and record transactional data relating to acquisition or disbursement of resources. The data for account receivable and payables, payrolls, inventory level, shipping data, printed invoice and cash receipt s recorded as they occur. The operational-level IS characteristic are repetitive, predictable, emphasizes the past and detailed in nature just to name a few. The focus of the operational system is the daily tasks performed at the user level. The operational level manager uses this data to check every day tasks, i.e. ordering, shipping, inventory control, the essence of the business processes. We will write a custom essay on Management Information specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The second level in the framework is the tactical system. This system provide middle-level managers with information to monitor and control operation while allocating their resources efficiently.The data is summarized, aggregated, or analyzed with a wide range of reports, i.e., summary, exception and ah hoc reports. The tactical information system differs from operational information system in the basic purpose: operational support the execution of tasks and a tactical information system supports a manager control over those tasks under their area of supervision as well as the allocation of resources to meet the company objectives set by top management. The data input and the information produced as outputs differ from the type of data involved, tactical characteristics are periodic in nature, with unexpected findings, comparative in nature with both internal and external sources. The tactical information system purpose and the regularity of report produced within the information sys tem are drastically different from an operational system. The third level in the framework is strategic planning, designed to provide top managers with information that assist them in making long-range planning decisions for the business.The different in strategic and tactical are not always clear, because both types of information systems may use some of the same data, you might say that the systems sometimes overlap with the difference being in the data that the system uses. Typically, top management uses strategic planning system to forecast long-range company objectives. The characteristics are ah hoc basis, unstructured format, external source, and subjectivity, summary and predictive in nature. A MIS provides information for effective planning and tactical decision making, which is the foundation of operational level data system. A tactical planning system provides middle-level management with the ability to monitor and control resources.The tactical information system does not support the execution of operational tasks, but allow man agers visibility over the operation. Information systems are costly, to deploy and maintain, yet the maximization of economic value of IS in the long-run balance out over the initial set-up cost. The right software products enable teams of people to integrate their knowledge, work processes and applications to achieve improved business effectiveness.It has been suggested that the implementation of such technologies is more difficult and yields more unintended consequences than is typically acknowledged. First, how such technologies are used reflect the effects. Second, how these technologies are likely used when alternative tools co-exist, meaning predictability is difficult from technological characteristics. Third, because people use groupware with other people, one persons choices about how to use groupware may have consequences for other group members, user satisfaction. .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb , .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb .postImageUrl , .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb , .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb:hover , .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb:visited , .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb:active { border:0!important; } .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb:active , .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua2758568576d032b1ea9cc07ee9f83fb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Lesson Before Dying EssayThe measurement for an effective MIS must be the users; usage and satisfaction have a strong correlation. Obvious, the effectiveness of MIS depends upon the use of the system and if the employees accept it. The information system department, managers and users together make the MIS process successful. The managers implement the MIS, their behavior and motivation play an important part in the variables for the system to be effective.Each designed MIS produce information for decision making throughout the organization.Lets examine several case studies with the implementation of MIS as seen in three distinct companies, an insurance company, a food m arketing company and a social service agency. The insurance company normal routine consisted of tons of policy paperwork generated daily to accomplish the company objectives.The company started on line systems supporting policy screening, creation and issuance in the 70s. An employee could key in new application information at his or her computer terminal, after the compilation of information an underwriter can evaluate the insurability of potential customers.After the approval process, the information system produces a policy data sheet. This business process makes it possible to handle inquiries from individual policyholders and sales agents seeking personal data information about policyholders. The home office linked to all locations of their sales agencies allowing sales agents to inquire on-line about policies with the capability to edit application information at their site. The home office can still update policies as well. Yes, this service provides the agencies with a competitive advantage in product marketing and custo mer service. The home office outsourced and purchased software that enable the sales agents to analyze alternative companies product and service options, resulting in winning the customers loyalty and a quicker sales. The company continues to grasp the future for innovations and anticipating their customers needs in the future.This approach along ensures valuable information for the senior-level management to plan as well as reduce overhead cost with improved productivity and better decision-making ability. Next, let look at the food industry and view how information system improved their process. The MIS geared toward physical distribution at the operational level, where update orders and invoices sent to the distribution centers and the system updates the account receivable and associate system files. The system prints invoices at the origin and destination location, resulting in reduced cost and faster payments equal more cash flow. The food company produced numerous reports that enabled the managers to conduct on-line credit checks from their account receivable status report, and identify delinquent accounts, before shipping the merchandise to the distribution centers.The customer services personnel have immediate access to open account allowing for immediate visibility and response to customer inquiries about deliveries and shipments, similarly cash payments received automatically applied to customers on-line account.Let us not forget to look at the marketing advantages with MIS as well. Sales analysis reports reflect the customers history product information file; this data generates report by product line in each territory each month for middle-level managers to forecast demands for any specific product item.Normally, this begs the question about production and if the company can continue to support the demands of the customers. At this junction, the IS gives managers additional insight about demand and the need to forecast for future buys. The company established a bill-of-material file, which computerized the ingredients for each product line and created batch size for all products. This process minimized the work process and improved the manufacturing ordering process for each customer batch orders.The product specification file served as the database of reference information enabling the manager the ability to print text on all purchase orders. The text file produced a finished goods inventory, which is transferred to the branch warehouse stockroom in v arious locations; this information is based on sales analysis report (demand). In the finance and administration department, the updated account receivables correlates with customers billing and cash receipts. A monthly exception report generated from the aged balances spits out a collection letter automatically to the respective recipients at specified intervals. The MIS enabled the food marketing company to process orders more timely, manage inventories more efficiently and organize their production section. Bottom line cost savings of MIS results in more revenue and a better customer relationship and senior-level managers focusing their attention on emerging trends in the market. .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f , .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f .postImageUrl , .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f , .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f:hover , .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f:visited , .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f:active { border:0!important; } .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f:active , .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u480ae7b40e19571c43b3673c36d1d09f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: History of Kickboxing Martial Arts EssayA social service department utilizes MIS in the public sector by providing financial assistance to the residences, i.e. medical assistance, food stamps, facilitate foster home and adoption, day care, school service, family planning, housing and legal services. The MIS processes new applications and payments. The applicant applies and become eligible then the system creates an on-line record for them. The system automatically prints an identification card for the payroll master file that entitles the recipient to service for which the bill goes to the social service department. An on-line inquiry and update of the applicant record are also possible.The payroll master file sorts, generates the welfare check, and lists them on the payroll register, which generates historical report for managers.In all three case studies, the information systems support transactional processing. The user involvement in each of the project selection ensures the effectiveness of the information system and its acceptability. How do you measure utilization and performance in MIS? The term utilization is the extent that the intended users use the information system (IS) for its intended purpose.The term performance measures the improvement of the business process that supports the IS implementation. These measurements observed through business records, visual or electronic inspections and take the personal opinions and attitudes out of the decision-making loop. The multiple variables sometimes are difficult to identify, but the IS department must be impartial if the true value is realized of a successful IS project. A successful IS project can be measure best with psychometric tests of attitude, interests, and opinions such as user information satisfaction in the broadest sense. The performance measures of the business determine the effectiveness of the MIS. You can see that information technology give companies a competitive edge, once an information based service enters other company either catch up or eliminate the original innovator competitive advantage thus raising the stake for those participating in the marketplace. Today, company can link its customer to its order entry system, thus improving efficiency and improve business performance. Sure, an effective information system, if efficient reduces needless paperwork and allows the customer access to available stock information before committing to the purchase of goods and services. Let not forget about effective too, the information system provide better service to its customers, for instance, i.e. the creation of electronic travel supermarket through on-line reservation system, i.e. or www., which is transforming the basis of competition within this marketplace.To compete efficiently in this world, companies must establish information partnership as an integral part of successful business processesBibliographyFulk, J., J. Schmitz, and C.W. Steinfield. (1990). A Social Influence Model of Technology Use, In J. Fulk and C. Steinfield (Eds.) Organizations and Communication Technology. pp.117-140. Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications. Grudin, J. (1990). Why CSCW Applications Fail: Problems in the Design and Evaluation of Organizat ional Interfaces, Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. pp. 85-92. Markus, L.M., (1987). Toward a Critical Mass Theory of Interactive Media: Universal Access, Interdependence and Diffusion, Communication Research. 14(5): 491-511. Munshi, J.(1996). A Framework for MIS Effectiveness, Working Paper, Academy of Business Administration, Sonoma State UniversityPanko, R. (1992). Stunted Use of Electronic Mail, Working Paper. College of Business Administration, University of Hawaii. Rice, R.E., A. Grant, J. Schmitz, and J. Torobin. (1990). Individual and Network Influences on the Adoption and Perceived Outcomes of Electronic Messaging, Social Networks. 12(1): 27-55. Rice, R.E., D. Hughes, and G. Love (1989). Usage and Outcomes of Electronic Messaging at an RD Organization: Situational Constraints, Job Level, and Media Awareness, Office: Technology and People. 5(2):141-161. Rice, R.E. and D. Shook, (1988). Access to, Usage of, and Outcomes from an Electron ic Messaging system, ACM Transaction on Office Information Systems. 6(3): 255-276. Shelly, Gary B., Cashman, Thomas J. and H. .J. Rosenblatt, (3rd Edition). Types pf Information System, System Analysis and Design. 1-10-1-11.Cambridge, Massachusetts: International Thomas Publishing. Schultheris, Robert and Mary Sumner (1976). Management Information System Management Information System, the Managers View. Burr Ridge, Illinois. Irwin McGraw-Hill. Trevino. L.K., R.L. Daft, and R.H. Lengel. (1987). Media Symbolism, Media Richness, and Media Choice in Organizations: A Symbolic Interactionist Perspective, Communication Research. 14(5): 553Category: Technology

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Metabolism Studies Essays - Animal Physiology, Thermoregulation

Metabolism Studies Abstract The purpose in experimenting with computer simulations was to compare oxygen consumption rates in different mammalian subclasses. We compared monotremes, marsupials, and placental mammals at both warm and cold temperatures. The results supported our hypothesis that when temperature increased, metabolic rate decreased. This was also supported using a students t-test. We also found that placental mammals had the highest oxygen consumption rates and marsupials had the lowest. We compared oxygen consumption rates in different sized crabs at different temperatures. The results supported our hypothesis that the smaller crab would have a higher rate of consumption. However, in the crabs, as temperature was increased, metabolic rate increased also. Introduction The second law of thermodynamics affirms that all living organisms must receive a constant energy input in order to survive (Witz 2000). Almost all bodily activities require energy. It is important to study how animals obtain, process, and dispose of products needed to maintain a positive energy balance. When cellular respiration occurs in the body, heat is produced and given off into the environment by the release of potential energy contained in the chemical bonds of macronutrients. The amount of heat released into the environment and the rate at which chemical reactions occur in the cells are directly related. Two different relationships exist, one that describes the endothermic animal and one that describes the endothermic animal. The rate of heat produced by the endothermic animal while at rest, fasting, and within the thermoneutral zone is dependent upon the basal metabolic rate (BMR). The thermoneutral zone of the endotherm is described as the range of ambient temperatures wit hin which there is a limited change in metabolic rate. The standard metabolic rate is what the rate of heat loss in ectotherms relies upon. The difference between the two rates is the temperature factor. Due to that fact that the temperature of ectotherms has a wider range with ambient temperature than the endotherms, physiologists defined a different measure for the basal level of metabolism. Although it is possible to measure the animals heat lost to the environment by direct calorimetry, it is easier to use indirect calorimetry. An effective way of measuring heat loss is to use the rate of oxygen consumption. Since oxygen is required by most animal cells using biochemical pathways to metabolize macronutrients, and it varies in a predictable way, it is useful in determining metabolic rate. If we can estimate BMR accurately, we can predict the amount of energy needed for important aspects of the animals life, such as growth and reproduction. For comparative purposes in the laboratory, we will be comparing weight-specific metabolic rates. This will allow us to compare the oxygen used by a gram of rat tissue to the oxygen used by a gram of mouse or iguana tissue. We hypothesized that the metabolic rate of the ectotherms, which are the iguanas, will be lower than the metabolic rate of the endotherms, which are the rats and the mice. Computer simulated temperature differences in the environment of both endotherms and ectotherms will also cause a difference in metabolic rate. When exposed to cold temperatures, we hypothesized that the metabolic rate will be greater than when the organism is exposed to high temperatures. The animal requires a greater amount of energy to keep the body warm at low temperatures; therefore, the body must breakdown the macronutrients at a faster rate. Body size also influences metabolic rate. A smaller animal, such as a mouse, should have a greater metabolic rate than a larger animal with the same general morphology, like a rat. This difference in metabolic rate is due to the surface area to volume ratio. A smaller animal has a higher ratio and more surface area exposed to the environment; therefore, it requires more energy to maintain the positive energy balance. Students t-tests were used to compare differences in temperature and body size in endotherms and ectotherms, different mammalian subclasses, and in the crab. Methods Determining the WMR of endotherms and ectotherms- In this experiment, we found the average WMRs of a large endotherm, which was a rat, a small endotherm, which was a mouse, and an ectotherm, which was an iguana. The bottom of the metabolism chamber was covered with approximately 50

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Free Essays on Piagetian Video Case Study

Piagetian Video Case Study I began Michael-Joseph with Piaget’s task Conservation of Numbers by lining up two identical rows horizontally of three small stick pretzels. I asked, â€Å"Do both rows have the same number of pretzels?† He replied â€Å"yes†. Then I lengthened one row by placing one extra pretzel and asked him, â€Å"Now does one row have more pretzels in it than the other row?† He answered, â€Å"yes†. Conservation of Matter was the next task. I placed two identical balls of play dough (same size and shape) in front of Michael-Joseph. I asked, â€Å"Do these two balls have the same amount of play dough in them?† He replied â€Å"yes†. Without adding play dough, I changed the shape of one ball by flattening it. I asked him if he now thought that one of the play dough’s had more? His response was â€Å"no†. In conducting the Conservation of Length, I aligned vertically two unsharpened pencils (same length) in front of Michael-Joseph and asked, â€Å"Are these two pencils the same length?† His reply was â€Å"yes†. Without changing the size, I moved one pencil to the right and asked, â€Å"Now are the two pencils the same length?† Michael-Joseph answered â€Å"yes†. Conservation of Volume was the last task I conducted on Michael-Joseph. Measuring cup he observed me pour 1 cup of water into two identical glasses and dropping two identical play dough balls in each glass. I asked him if the balls moved the same amount of water in each glass he answered â€Å"yes†. Then I took one ball and changed its shape and placed it back into the cup of water. â€Å"Will the balls still move equal amounts of water in each glass?† Michael-Joseph answered, â€Å"yes†. Piaget’s tasks clearly represent Michael-Joseph at the concrete operational stage of cognitive development. When conducting each task he was able to solve each task in a logical fashion. During the tasks his recognition of the physical world aided him to re... Free Essays on Piagetian Video Case Study Free Essays on Piagetian Video Case Study Piagetian Video Case Study I began Michael-Joseph with Piaget’s task Conservation of Numbers by lining up two identical rows horizontally of three small stick pretzels. I asked, â€Å"Do both rows have the same number of pretzels?† He replied â€Å"yes†. Then I lengthened one row by placing one extra pretzel and asked him, â€Å"Now does one row have more pretzels in it than the other row?† He answered, â€Å"yes†. Conservation of Matter was the next task. I placed two identical balls of play dough (same size and shape) in front of Michael-Joseph. I asked, â€Å"Do these two balls have the same amount of play dough in them?† He replied â€Å"yes†. Without adding play dough, I changed the shape of one ball by flattening it. I asked him if he now thought that one of the play dough’s had more? His response was â€Å"no†. In conducting the Conservation of Length, I aligned vertically two unsharpened pencils (same length) in front of Michael-Joseph and asked, â€Å"Are these two pencils the same length?† His reply was â€Å"yes†. Without changing the size, I moved one pencil to the right and asked, â€Å"Now are the two pencils the same length?† Michael-Joseph answered â€Å"yes†. Conservation of Volume was the last task I conducted on Michael-Joseph. Measuring cup he observed me pour 1 cup of water into two identical glasses and dropping two identical play dough balls in each glass. I asked him if the balls moved the same amount of water in each glass he answered â€Å"yes†. Then I took one ball and changed its shape and placed it back into the cup of water. â€Å"Will the balls still move equal amounts of water in each glass?† Michael-Joseph answered, â€Å"yes†. Piaget’s tasks clearly represent Michael-Joseph at the concrete operational stage of cognitive development. When conducting each task he was able to solve each task in a logical fashion. During the tasks his recognition of the physical world aided him to re...

Friday, February 21, 2020

Labour Economics, Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Labour Economics, - Essay Example Discussion and Analysis Theoretical Models of Economics of Education The most frequently used model for the assessment of education economics is the schooling model. The model perceives education as a form of investment by which the people who are taking the services get themselves trained with certain skills that in future help them to work and earn wages. For example, workers who had not taken specialised training for making pins would not be able to deliver the products and earn money. On the other hand, the person who has technical training would be able to work for some organisation that would add to his living. Hence it is extremely essential to acquire skills. In the same way, both of a high school pass-out and a graduate would be able to earn money, but the former would have less specialised education and thus would always earn less than the graduate unless he upgrades himself with the necessary education. Thus the return out of higher education is definitely positive and it adds value to the earning capacity of a person in the later stages of life. The second most popular theory regarding the economics of education is the signalling model. This theory states that when a person completes his education it signals for the labour market that he is capable of doing work efficiently and therefore the person can be employed. It determined the employability of the person. The Marxist approach to education is somewhat different from the approaches discussed above. According to Marx, skill development and education were two different phenomena. The capitalist society would encourage the development of skills so that more and more workers get specialised skills and help to increase in the total productivity. This would only benefit the capitalists by increasing their profits. Instead Marx emphasises on education and states that proper education would liberate the individual from the exploitation of the bourgeois and would make the economy a socialist one (Carneir o and Heckman, 2003, p. 4). The following graph describes the relationship between the age of a person and the return on investment. The opportunity cost of funds is constant over the entire period of time. It must also be noted that there is a trade of between the time that a person engages himself for education and the time that is spent for earning some income. In the figure we find that the marginal rate of return on investment decreases over the life of the person. At the preschool level the return is the highest it is the lowest at the post school level where the curve becomes asymmetric. Hence if the person is engaged more in higher education, then he has to bear a lot of opportunity cost because the time that the person spends in educating himself could have been used for earning a livelihood. Instead the person has to bear an expense. Empirical Approaches and Difficulties in Measuring Rate of Return on Education Most of the empirical researches have proved that in all cases of high enrolment in particular countries, the growth rate has increased. Thus a positive correlation is found to exist in the level of education, rates of educated and the growth rate of the economy (Boser, 2011, p. 8). There is also a noticeable corollary along with this. The countries that have shown the least difference in the male and female

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Brief a case Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Brief a case - Coursework Example The defendant had stipulated that if the component were brought by noon any day, it would be taken to the manufacturer the next day. So the Plaintiff’s clerk took it to the defendant the next day before noon and paid 2 pounds for the services. However, because of the defendant’s negligence, the component delayed before delivery to the manufacturer and the plaintiff received it after several days (Crompton 1). The issue was entitlement of damages to the plaintiff due to loss of profits and what amount of damages he or she would get. The court determined that the plaintiff was eligible for damages for the amount he would have received if the breaching party had performed (Crompton 1). This implies that the plaintiff would only be put back to the position he would have been if the contract was not breached. However, the court held that the defendant would not have known that the delay would cause a long closure of the mill and the loss of profits because there were no special circumstances underpinned on the contract (Crompton

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Contribution of Budgets to Planning, Control and Motivation

Contribution of Budgets to Planning, Control and Motivation Explain how budgets contribute to planning, control and motivation in an organization Budgeting is a way in which businesses plan for the future. They show how policies are to be carried out during that time period in order to meet the business objectives. Budgets not only help the business plan for the future they also motivate their employees and help manage the business. Jae K Shim and Joel G Sigel define budgeting as a financial plan to control future operations and results. It is expressed in numbers, such as pounds, hours and so on. Budgeting when used effectively is a technique resulting in systematic production management. Budgeting facilitates control, communication and also provides motivation to employees. Budgeting helps businesses decide where it wants to be at a future date and what policies they feel they should introduce to make sure they meet their objectives. Planning also helps the business anticipate any Planning is another purpose of budgeting, and is arguably its primary purpose. Budgeting allows a business to take stock of revenue and expenses from the previous period, and judge where the business will be in future periods. It also allows the organization to add and remove products and services from its plan for the future period. In larger organizations, the budgeting process may be completed by individual business units and compiled to form a master budget for the organization. This allows top management to get a picture of the entire business so they are able to better plan accordingly Planning is highly essential for the successful functioning of any organization, big or small. And there are many different kinds of planning involved Planning, in simple terms, involves drawing up a scheduled list of activities required to achieve a particular goal. In a company or even at home, a certain amount of planning helps you finish tasks successfully. But in an organization with a huge workforce and many hierarchical levels, planning is quintessential to meeting the organizations objectives and targets. Types of Planning in an Organization Strategic Planning Operational Planning Financial Planning Marketing Planning Proactive Planning Strategic Planning Strategic planning is the kind of planning that provides direction for the organization on how to proceed in the long run. The organization makes clear the strategy it intends on pursuing to achieve all of its targets, and allocates resources and takes action accordingly. In order to be able to devise the organizations strategy, it is necessary that the organization knows where it stands in terms of its capital availability, its strengths and its weaknesses. Before devising a strategy, the organization also needs to be aware of the economic conditions, and other environmental factors, which can pose a threat, or provide opportunity for growth. The team at the head of the organization most often does strategic planning. After considering all factors, they devise the strategy that would best help the company meet its goals Operational Planning While strategic planning looks at the organizations growth in the long run, operational planning is more about tactical and short-term planning. This planning is essential to ensure that the organization is consistent in terms of its production and distribution of goods and services to the market. As operational planning is for short-term periods, it further helps in devising budgets for the organization. It provides a plan for the allocation of resources; and at the same time, it sheds light on the policy decisions of the organization. Financial Planning Money matters. For the continued sustenance of anything, from a household to an organization, money is important. But things dont end with just having enough money. Budgeting appropriately and planning on how to use the finance available are signs of a good organization. Financial planning in an organization deals with the preparation of a budget. A budget is a list of all the planned expenditures and revenues of an organization. In certain organizations, the budget is also sometimes referred to as the financial plan, which comprises of the balance sheet, the income statement and the cash flow statement. Financial planning implies estimating the expenses the organization will incur, and the revenues it hopes to earn. Marketing Planning Marketing is the way, by which companies promote themselves, their company, products and services, to gain the attention of the people. Marketing is done to make the organization visible in the eyes of the common man so as to garner interest in their business. Market planning is needed to achieve all the marketing targets and objectives. Marketing can be done for any aspect of the organization their products, range of services, or even a brand they are launching. Most often, organizations have a separate marketing department, which is exclusively in-charge of carrying out marketing activities on behalf of the company. Proactive Planning Some organizations plan proactively. Proactive planning means to plan, in advance, for something that has not happened yet. By planning ahead of any event, the organization has more leverage and is armed better to deal with the situation whenever, and if, it arises. The event can be anything, from floods and earthquakes, to riots or strike by employees. Proactive planning follows the motto of, Its better to be safe than sorry. There are a number of other planning processes too that are used by organizations. Some of the others include long term planning, short term planning, reactive planning, formal and informal planning. However, the above-mentioned ones are most commonly followed by organizations. No matter what it is named, any kind of planning is absolutely essential for the growth and success of any organization. Tips How to Prepare an Effective Budget An understanding of basic requirements is necessary to prepare for an effective budget, whether its personal or business budgeting. These requirements involve the need to quantify income and to track expenses regularly. Financial planning tools are available to facilitate tracking and planning. Others avail of a budgeting tool, financial planning software or the more traditional way of hiring a financial adviser or counselor. Whatever financial tool is used, basic factors to achieve an effective budget remain the same. They include the following: Outline Patterns of Income and Expenses To be able to outline the pattern of preparing a budget, there are two basic elements in any simple or complex budget planning: income and expenses. Whatever the basic necessities of an individual, a family or a business entity, income and expenses affect the design and preparation of budgeting. Income A person who has a full-time job is certainly different from a self-employed business owner. It may be more than a struggle for the self-employed to wait for that contractual check to come in rather than an employee who is sure to receive a weekly, fortnightly or a monthly pay. They are all income but have different effect on budgeting. The total income is identified and written down. Expenses There are three basic types of expenses: monthly, quarterly and yearly. They are identified and written down. Other relevant records should be delved into and located, from desk drawers, account statements, and other receipts lying around. Identify and Define Financial Goals Financial goals may be short-term and/or long-term, often larger expenditures. Personal or family financial goals are identified. For the singles, they dont have to worry about family finances. There are many kinds of goals in life. For this purpose the focus is financial goals. Examples of these are paying off a mortgage in 10 years, paying off a huge amount of credit card or big personal loan, starting a business, or a dream plan of holiday to favorite places. For those with families, goals may include college education for children. Whatever they are, financial goals include planned purchases and expenditures. Short- term goals often vary from six months to one year, while long-term goals are plans from five to ten years, perhaps even 20 years. Establish a Financial Strategy An approach or strategy for a successful goal setting is one that is realistic and active and not in the back burner. Financial goals need to be reviewed periodically, for changes, if necessary. If family is involved, the goals can be posted for the family to keep an eye on. Whatever strategy is used, a review of the goal should be done on a regular basis, monthly or fortnightly, to gear up proper handling of finances. Change a Strategy that Doesnt Work By all means, a financial goal that is deemed unworkable after some time, or due to a change in circumstance can either by abandoned or modified. A lot of effort and thought are spent in setting up financial goals to effectively work and therefore should not be taken lightly Given the increasing levels of competition and ever changing occurrences in the marketplace, any business corporate or entrepreneurial cant afford simply to work hard and make it a success. A business plan is a basic necessity in project management. Some business owners who agree that business planning is important also protest the lack of time to plan in view of overburdening tasks. Another excuse given for not planning is that it limits options. Some business owners feel that a plan locks them into a set pattern of activities constricting their freedom to respond to opportunities. A good plan maps the best course of action to achieve predetermined objectives. Business Plan A business plan shows the purpose of the business and what it intends to accomplish. The more defined it is, the better equipped a business will be able to meet the opportunities and risks that lie ahead. Business plans must be used in the following instances Starting up the business Making management decisions Developing new products Expanding the business Obtaining financing Maintaining and keeping control Allowing other significant milestones in the business Business Plan Outline Although every business plan may vary depending on the business, certain components or sections are common to all business plans. Whats important is that it should be organized to provide essential information in a concise and logical format. Title Page Table of Contents Executive Summary Business or Industry Description Product or Services Description Organization Data Financial Information Marketing Strategy Competitive Analysis Operations Plan Successful Business Planning Guidelines The following guidelines are provided to assist entrepreneurs in the planning process and to make them become more proficient in using business plans to their advantage. Set aside time for planning Allocate time to do it. For your business to succeed, you must spend sufficient time on planning. Determine the needs to be accomplished what exactly needs to be done? By identifying specific goal, attention can be focused on the key issues that have to be addressed Ensure availability and access to necessary data to plan effectively, information should be relevant, accurate and timely. Coordinate planning efforts with that of others make sure that people involved in the planning process are aware of what everyone else is doing. This is the only way to ensure that the various goals set for the business are consistent. Review the business plan periodically this is to ensure that the business objectives are clearly aligned to the business goals or objectives. Update the business plan Business experts normally recommend updating a business plan every six months. It is important to re-visit the business plan periodically to ensure it continuously meets the business needs. Make the business plan accessible. It must be ensured that the business plan is accessible to the employees who need it, for them to fully contribute their skills and expertise. Use the business plan this is the most important of all. The business plan, as the blueprint for business to succeed, must be put to full use. If unforeseen opportunities arise, the business plan can be changed to fit the circumstance Communication and Motivation Other goals that an organization may use its budget to achieve that are less obvious include communication and motivation. Budgets allow management to communicate goals and to promote goal congruence so resources can be coordinated and focused in key areas. Budgets also allow a company to motivate its employees by involving them in the budget. While top-down budgeting does not accomplish this goal very effectively, participative budgeting can be motivating. When an employee is involved in creating his or her departments budget, that person will be more likely to strive to achieve that budget. Although business budgeting is a procedure that most businesses go through, it can be a greater tool than many people (and businesses) realize. The budgeting process can allow companies to communicate and achieve their goals, and allow them to monitor those achievements as well. It is also an important step in overall business strategic planning

Monday, January 20, 2020

What is Virtue Epistemology? :: Philosophy Virtues Ethics Papers

What is Virtue Epistemology? This paper functions as a brief introduction to virtue epistemology, a topic that has enjoyed a recent gain in popularity among analytic philosophers. Here I maintain that the defining feature of virtue epistemology is its focus on the intellectual virtues and vices rather than the evaluation of belief. What constitutes such a focus? And, what are the intellectual virtues? In the first section, I enumerate five different ways in which virtue epistemologists might focus on the virtues. In the second, I discuss four topics pertaining to the nature of the intellectual virtues themselves: (1) are the virtues natural or acquired?; (2) are they skills?; (3) are they instrumentally, constitutively, or intrinsically valuable?; and (4) what relation do they bear to truth? Throughout the paper, I identify which virtue epistemologists are partial to which views, and in this manner, catalog much of the recent debate. In conclusion, I suggest some topics for future study. I have no answer to these arguments, but am finally compelled to admit that there is not one of my former beliefs about which a doubt may not properly be raised; and this is not a flippant or ill-considered conclusion, but is based on powerful and well thought-out reasons. So in future I must withhold my assent from these former beliefs just as carefully as I would from obvious falsehoods, if I want to discover any certainty. — Rene Descartes (1) Much of contemporary analytic epistemology is still steeped in a vigorous form of Cartesianism. Granted, there are some analytic epistemologists who have denied Descartes' foundationalism, and others who, in preserving foundationalism, have rejected the infallibility of foundational beliefs. Still others have attacked his internalism, doubted the seriousness of the threat of skepticism, or attempted to eradicate the abstract, isolated "I" of the Meditations. But, despite this seemingly comprehensive critique of Cartesianism, one of its essential elements has escaped widespread criticism and currently operates as a background assumption in much of contemporary epistemology. This element is the basic Cartesian framework itself, which dictates the primary objects of epistemic evaluation, and in so doing, directs the course of epistemological inquiry. As indicated by the passage above, Cartesian systems focus on the evaluation of beliefs or propositions believed. A perfunctory survey of current epistemological theory will confirm its focus on the evaluation of beliefs. For, even those who reject other facets of the Cartesian program routinely concentrate on justification and knowledge.