Saturday, June 15, 2019

Nursing Education Around the Globe Research Paper

Nursing Education Around the Globe - Research Paper Exampleya The major comparison in the government influence of the nursing teaching method between china and Kenya is that two countries initiative to establish nursing homework and certification were started by the respective governments, with the Kenyan training and certification program course for 31/2 years, while the Chinese program took 4 years (Xu, Xu & Zhang, 2000). Political control has also characterized the nursing profession and development in both Kenya and China, where the respective governments, through the ministries of wellness, rich person been responsible for approving the nursing courses and certification programs in the countries (Klopper & Uys, 2003). The governments have been involved in establishing regulations and laws that governs and controls the nursing profession. Several laws and ordinances have been effected by the two governments, to act as the tools through which the nursing profession is politi cally controlled. In Kenya, the 1946 June Ordinance No. 16 was established to control the health activities of the nurses (Mule, 1986). Similarly, the political control of nursing profession in China can be traced back to 1949, when the education reform in China abolished the post-secondary nursing training, or else introducing the 3-year nursing training, following the 9 years of primary and secondary education (Xu, Xu & Zhang, 2000). Both countries have established Nursing organizations, responsible for uniting, developing, and promoting nursing professionalism, with the Nursing Council of Kenya (NCK) being the peak body of the nursing profession in the country, while the Chinese Nursing Association (CAN), is similarly the peak nursing organization in China (Xu, Xu & Zhang, 2000). Both the organizations are responsible for establishing the nursing syllabus... This paper approves that the Current System of Nursing Education in both China and Kenya occur in heterogeneous cadres. Both China and Kenya have certification programs for ursing, in form of 3-years comprehensive training, which caters for the preliminary training, ward rotation and theory in clinical training. The comparison in both countries is that the qualification for nursing certification program is the completion of secondary education. The characteristic of the current systems of nursing education in both countries is that both countries have established post-basic nursing qualifications, which include diplomas, bachelor of nursing degree, and masters in nursing. The comparison is that the doctorate program in nursing is yet to be in full commissioned in both countries, following the governments regulations that have not yet approved the doctorate in nursing.All the post-basic nursing qualifications programs are undertaken in hospital-based training institutions, where the trainees in this profession are full-time based course attendants.this essay makes a conclusion that Nursing Education in both China and Kenya bears planetary fundamental characteristics, in terms of government and Nursing organizations control, training and growth, notwithstanding that the nursing profession in both countries is a function of the western missional arrival into the countries. Additionally, the high standards of qualifications are also eminent requirements in this profession for both countries, while the training period for the nurses and the areas of training are similar.

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