Thursday, August 29, 2019

Themes between Frankenstein, OTSP and The Lord of the Rings Essay

Themes between Frankenstein, OTSP and The Lord of the Rings - Essay Example Out of the Silent Planet does not include women in most of it, but it does make the claim that women should be content with simply raising their children because that is the Christian ideology that the author believed in. In this novel, women are shown taking care of the cooking, while the men are out providing. The Return of the King, however, portrays women in a much stronger manner. The women in this story, though few in number, are able to assist the men on their journey and provide useful contributions to them. The theme of femininity is present and important in each of these novels, but females are portrayed in their strongest form in The Return of the King, which is important because it shows that strong female characters can be used successfully in literature. Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, is a novel that does not contain very much in the way of strong females characters. The majority of them are passive and subservient women who fill their gender roles and then die in less than impressive fashion. One of the reasons why this is done could be to draw attention to male behavior and what it does to the female psyche. For example, Caroline Beaufort dies because she is so wrapped up in caring for her daughter that she does not put any emphasis on her own life. Elizabeth is portrayed as a character that is â€Å"imaginative, delicate and beautiful† (Shelley 30), which is hardly the characteristics that strong female character would possess. This, once again, shows the role that has placed upon females in our society as it would be rare to see a male do the same sort of thing. Victor also has an interesting view of the other, as he does not feel like he will be able to control the female monster if it is created. This shows that males h ave very little understanding of how the mind of a woman works and do not wish to challenge the unknown. It also shows how males always want to be

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