Monday, September 2, 2019

Athletic Training Education Program Essay -- Education School Athletic

Athletic Training Education Program To achieve a degree in Athletic Training, there are many tasks and skills to be learned. The Education Council under the National Athletic Training Association put together an education program filled with a set of guidelines of what has to be taught to graduate with a degree in Athletic Training. Before you can learn and understand Athletic Training, you must know the Anatomy and Physiology of the human body. This includes bones, muscles, levels of organization, tissue levels, systems of the body, skeletal structure, articulations, integrative functions, sensory function, blood, and embryology (Martini, 2001). Besides Anatomy and Physiology, the methods of taping is also extremely critical to this career. Before you can understand what each taping techniques are used for, you must also know about sports injuries. Athletic Training is all about the prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and evaluation of athletic injuries. Another skill that must be learned in the Athletic Trai ning Education Program is how to provide immediate emergency care. That includes everything from background information to actually being able to save an athlete’s or any one else’s life. You must be aware of legal considerations, how and when to approach a victim, the human body systems, examining the victim, basic life support, bleeding and shock, identifying wounds, sudden illnesses, injuries, and how to care for them; also you must be aware of cold and heat related injuries, and how to rescue and move victims (Thygerson, 2001). Other information to be learned includes nutrition, health, and professional development. There are several other topics of Athletic Training; however, there are just to many to s... ...from Hansen, PJ. (2001). The Preferred Learning Styles of Student Athletic Trainers and Certified Athletic Trainers in NATA District IV and DistrictV. Journal of Athletic Training, 36 (2), 45. Retrieved March 7, 2003, from Martini, F. (2001). Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. NATA Education Council Continuing Education Committee. (2003). Retrieved March 7, 2003, from Pitney, W. (1998). Continuing Education in Athletic Training: An Alternative Approach Based on Adult learning. Journal of Athletic Training, 33 (1), 72. Retrieved March 6, 2003, from Academic Search/ EBSCO database. Thygerson, A. (2001). First Aid and CPR. Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett.

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