Wednesday, November 27, 2019

its not about the drugs essays

its not about the drugs essays The rave scene is one of those things that people who are not involved in the actual scene will never understand. People get their opinions made and wont change them no matter what anyone says. Stereotypes are all over the rave scene. The biggest one is that its all about the drugs, which is far from the truth. Ask and real and veteran raver, and the will tell you its about so much more. Its the music, the people, the atmosphere, the friendly feelings, and the inviting environment. Its not about the drugs. Drugs have been around for ages, and they have been done for ages. The bottom line with drugs is that if someone wants to do any kind of drug, they are going to do it no matter what anyone says, and no matter where they are. They are going to find the drug from someone, and most likely do it in a place where if something bad happens they would not be able to get help. At least at a rave there is security, and people around that would be of help if someone has any problems, or overdoses. People go to raves to have a safe feeling; its not about the drugs. The rave scene gets a bad name from the kids that are sneaking their way into raves. True underground raves, not ones put on by a radio station or with thousands and thousands of people, but small intimate parties with somewhere around 400 people, are for people ages eighteen and over. The only way for minors to get into a rave is to sneak in or to use a fake ID. If a minor has a fake ID, their parents should be worried about a few more things then their children going to raves. There are also many organizations that set up booths at raves to help the people who do choose to do drugs to be safe. There is an organization called dance safe that set up booths with pamphlets and test kits to test ecstasy pills to make sure they are safe to take. Many parents would say that they are encou ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Zen Action

Zen and action are inseparable- the latter being the most expedient means of transmitting the teachings of the former. Far from the attempts at conceptualization and articulation of the primary ideas of Zen, the more appropriate approach is through action, be it zazen or other significant acts. As Morinaga Soko explains of his own experience, â€Å"I had known nothing but theorizing; during my high school days I often spent the whole night with friends reading books on philosophy and arguing- talk, talk, talk. I now burned with shame because I could not even do such a simple job as cleaning a floor properly† (Kraft 1988, 18). Buddhism seeks to teach people that to notice the simple fact in front of them- that they are acting in a condition of oneness in the present moment- is to realize what reality is, to be awake to reality. And it says that when we immerse ourselves into what we are doing in the actual moment, we make ourselves balanced too. This allows us to overcome the tendency of the mind to cover up the essential nature of what we are doing in the present moment with analyses, opinions, objectives, expectations, uncertainties, and so on. Thus, action allows the practitioner to not miss the fact that is in front of him. In Zen and Japanese Culture, D.T. Suzuki also substantiates the importance of action in Zen. â€Å"[T]eaching by action, learning by doing. There is something like it in the actional approach to enlightenment. But a direct action in Zen has another meaning. There is a deeper purpose which consists in awakening in the disciple’s mind a certain consciousness that is attuned to the pulsation of Reality . . . . Satori must be the outgrowth of one’s inner life and not a verbal implantation brought from the outside† (Suzuki 1993, 9-10). We can therefore see that the attempts at conceptualization or linguistic expression of Zen become futile and lead us astray rather than guiding us to a more approximate underst... Free Essays on Zen Action Free Essays on Zen Action Zen and action are inseparable- the latter being the most expedient means of transmitting the teachings of the former. Far from the attempts at conceptualization and articulation of the primary ideas of Zen, the more appropriate approach is through action, be it zazen or other significant acts. As Morinaga Soko explains of his own experience, â€Å"I had known nothing but theorizing; during my high school days I often spent the whole night with friends reading books on philosophy and arguing- talk, talk, talk. I now burned with shame because I could not even do such a simple job as cleaning a floor properly† (Kraft 1988, 18). Buddhism seeks to teach people that to notice the simple fact in front of them- that they are acting in a condition of oneness in the present moment- is to realize what reality is, to be awake to reality. And it says that when we immerse ourselves into what we are doing in the actual moment, we make ourselves balanced too. This allows us to overcome the tendency of the mind to cover up the essential nature of what we are doing in the present moment with analyses, opinions, objectives, expectations, uncertainties, and so on. Thus, action allows the practitioner to not miss the fact that is in front of him. In Zen and Japanese Culture, D.T. Suzuki also substantiates the importance of action in Zen. â€Å"[T]eaching by action, learning by doing. There is something like it in the actional approach to enlightenment. But a direct action in Zen has another meaning. There is a deeper purpose which consists in awakening in the disciple’s mind a certain consciousness that is attuned to the pulsation of Reality . . . . Satori must be the outgrowth of one’s inner life and not a verbal implantation brought from the outside† (Suzuki 1993, 9-10). We can therefore see that the attempts at conceptualization or linguistic expression of Zen become futile and lead us astray rather than guiding us to a more approximate underst...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Based on the appropriate texts (Corcyra, The Trojan Women, The Clouds, Essay

Based on the appropriate texts (Corcyra, The Trojan Women, The Clouds, The Republic, Gaugamela), define the three or so most important changes (or phenomena) in the Greek world in the period - Essay Example The philosophies that were a part of the changes of this time began with an understanding of the several gods that were a part of the culture. This began to alter with several philosophies and debates that were a part of the time period. One of the ways that this can be seen is through â€Å"The Republic† by Plato. The beginning part of this book shows the debate between several religious principles and morals, as well as how these contradicted ideas in society. Socrates, throughout this book, represents the new thought, which includes an understanding of justice, happiness and a questioning of morals and truth. This is opposed to other characters, such as Glaucon, who show the old ideas in society and how they no longer work with functioning in society. For instance, in an opening debate, Socrates and Glaucon begin to debate over the different concepts of wealth and how this can lead to justices or injustice. Glaucon states, â€Å"If, Socrates, we are to be guided at all ana logy of the preceding instances, than justice is the art which gives good to friends and evil to enemies† (Plato, 42). These types of debates would move through the religious concepts of justice as well as how they pertained to society, specifically to determine new types of morals that were being looked into during this time frame. While this particular concept was seen from one viewpoint, it could also be noted that the debates with morals and philosophies appeared to have more tensions in society. For instance, â€Å"The Clouds† by Aristophanes, is based on the works of Plato and specifically with the ideologies that Socrates represents. The play begins with the son Strepsiades, who is devoted to go to the school of Socrates, known as the Thinkery. This becomes a debate when Strepsiades sees goddesses and representations of clouds, which come to tell him truth outside of the Thinkery. This becomes the main conflict of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Critical contexts of law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Critical contexts of law - Essay Example Humanitarian agencies have been intricately involved with the international community’s use of military force in situations of gross human rights violations and grave breaches of international humanitarian law. Humanitarian agencies have called outright for military intervention and not got it. There is the option to call for the military intervention. So here in Sylvia’s case the UN may reject or even give permission of military intervention based on the severity of the issue. People fear of military intervention since there is lot of loss of life, property and the like. Many believe the intervention should be done as the very last option, where every other opportunity has been exhausted. Generally UN suggests of non military intervention where the government officials are denied visas to visit other countries unless they follow rules and remain disciplined. They need a solid and good reason for intervention. The question is does Sylvia have a solid reason apart from i nhumane treatment towards his subjects? What ever he has done is a great crime but the court needs full proof of his crimes, solid proofs. The International Criminal Court (ICC), governed by the Rome Statute, is the first permanent, treaty based, international criminal court established to help end impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community.The question is does Sylvia have a solid reason apart from inhumane treatment towards his subjects?  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Factors on the Four Functions of Management Essay Example for Free

Factors on the Four Functions of Management Essay In regards to internal and external factors that can significantly influence the four functions of management, include such items as globalization, technology, diversity, ethics and innovation. Furthermore, all of these items pay an important role in the dominance of General Motors in the automotive industry. GM has changed manufacture attitudes to concentrate on some strategic priorities those being to become common, envision lean and compete fast, participate on a worldwide footing, cultivate the business and as a rule significantly keep their attention on the finished goods. General Motors is determined to be committed to a lean and familiar single, global manufacturing approach (Automotive Intelligence News, 2003). The external factor of globalization is a major factor in today’s business world. Globalization additionally adds to the factors of cultural diversity and cultural ethics as it pertains to business climate, culture and organization. Likewise, even in the US General Motors deals with the issues of diversity and values based of the many cultures that live within the country. Diversity can be both a help and a hindrance to the four function of management, in that when cultural diversity is utilized correctly it aids in all phases of business. However, if both the countries or the individual workers feel that their culture or beliefs are being looked down upon or are demeaned this can lead to serious repercussion. The same ca be said concerning the ethics each culture holds management must walk a fine line to ensure no vilification or no indignity occurs. Globalization needs a firm touch and a steady hand in the first planning, which entails what countries a company wants to build and sell their goods to, while maintaining a presence in that country. What value the product will bring, the cost of materials, taxes or tariffs, and if the people of those countries have a  need, the cost, and the desire to purchase their vehicles. As to organizing, in globalization GM must ensure that local customs will not be pushed aside and must they maintain a proper level of respect and decorum in dealing with the local population and their cultural identity. Manager must organize by creating a dialog with other countries on GM’s products, explaining the utilization of each countries environmental assets and capital, showing how that being a partnering country with GM will help their country and its people. They must correspondingly incorporate the concept of co-design and systems approach, during the organization function to ensure each country has the belief that they are truly partners with GM. General Motors is currently in the process of restructuring their Global Vehicle Engineering organization. The reason they are doing this is to enhance cross-system integration and to bring more coherent implementation across vehicle platforms. They are also further addressing the functional safety and compliance in its vehicles worldwide (GM News, 2014). Whereas this reorganization moves GM away from long-established regional authority toward an organization built on global functions. As to the role of leading, globalization brings with it a different set of problems and requirements. In General Motors situation the leading function of management, in the terms of what the role intention is remains the same and can be defined as the focus of guiding the activities of personnel with motivation. However, the challenges of doing so on a global scale are daunting because of issues in cultural difference, in ethics and diversity. Managers must have a working knowledge of the country’s culture, its ethical stances, and language differences both verbal and nonverbal. The controlling function of management within globalization again comes with its own set of issues that need to be overcome. Likewise, to be able to establish standards, then measure the performance in contrast to those standards and make corrective changes to those standards and plans that have been determined ineffective (Merchant, 1982). In a global setting put additional meaning to the controlling function of management. Management for General Motors have been successful in the endeavor and proof of this can be seen in how they continue to rank near or at the top the list of vehicles sold worldwide. GM is closing the gap on Toyota lead in sales, because of changes in how they are using the control function of management to correct the situation.  Since, GM began to renovate its vehicle roster into one of the keenest and newest in the automotive industry from one of the eldest and more outdated ones (Jie, Horie, 2014). So any and everyone can see how globalization as an external factor affects a company such as General Motors in its operations of the four functions of management. Technology in this c ase should be considered both and external and internal factor that can affect a company such as GM. Since, technology deals with not only information and enterprise systems to run a business, it also deals with the creation of new products and equipment to be use in their cars and trucks. General Motors in being such a large global company have an extensive enterprise system to deal with employees, customers, security, and data collection to enable it to run both effectively and efficiently on a global scale. However, technology in the creation and advancement of products goes hand in hand with innovation. We can see how technology is part of innovation, in the way GM addresses the idea of a fully electric car that can go 200 miles between charges. Additionally, the connection of technology and innovation is seen in General Motors electric and gas hybrid car the Chevy Volt. GM similarly has an all-electric car that can go 82 miles on a charge called the Chevy Spark (The Denver Post, 2013). General Motor’s innovations created a need for better technology in electric car batteries, charging systems. They also created a need for electric charging facilities for people who are traveling on long trips, which are still under research as to cost, viability, and the possibility. All of this innovation leads to technology to design and build components that will be needed to compete in this sector of the industry. What is more, all four functions of management are thoroughly affected by globalization, diversity, ethics, innovation and technology as these elements play a crucial role in the structure and running of any business in today world economy. References Automotive Intelligence News. (2003). GMs Global Manufacturing System A System To Build Great Cars and Trucks. Retrieved from GM News. (2014). GM Restructures Global Engineering for Cross-System Integration. Retrieved from Jie, M. Horie, M. (2014). Toyota Beats GM in 2013 as 10 Million Vehicles Seen. Retrieved from Merchant, K. (1982). Controlling Function of Management. Retrieved from The Denver Post. (2013). General Motors working on 200-mile electric car, exec says. Retrieved from

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Reflections Of Gore Vidal :: essays research papers fc

The Reflections of Gore Vidal   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many people in today's society that would love to have their views published for the whole world to view, but few can match the wit and originality of Gore Vidal. Vidal is the author of many short stories, novels, playwrights, and movie scripts. Gore Vidal has been and continues to be an influential figure in American literature. One of Vidal's most effective strategies as a writer has been to make the public aware of his opinions through his very popular and controversial works. Gore Vidal is an opinionated man with strong beliefs on many aspects of modern American culture.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gore Vidal is a man who likes to provoke controversy. The works of Gore Vidal revolves around three main themes: human behavior, politics, and homosexuality. These are Vidal's favorite subjects to write about because they are all something he deals with every day of his life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Readers of Gore Vidal should realize that he is out to shock the public with his beliefs, and he accomplishes this task quite well by being in favor of homosexuality. Gore Vidal sees nothing but positive outcomes should homosexuality become an accepted practice. According to American Writers 'The consequences of publishing a gay novel in 1948 were severe, and Vidal's literary career nearly ground to a premature halt'; (681). With the publication of The City and the Pillar, Vidal became ostracized by his fellow writers and the public as well. Homosexuality is not an accepted practice today by many, and since it was less common in 1948, some became enraged and refused to buy any of his work (681). For years Vidal could not sell anything because he had already been labeled as an advocate of homosexuality. In an interview with Salon, Vidal said that he thought that within the next century the government would encourage homosexuality to decrease the population (3). Gore Vidal believes that children are no longer needed and that they are only taking up valuable space in today's world (3). Mr. Vidal believes that by promoting Dunst 2 homosexuality the over crowding will cease to be a problem (3).He refuses to have children because he thinks he will only be adding to the world's population problem. ('Vidal, Gore'; 683) Vidal also sees the practice of homosexuality as a cure for sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS. Vidal thinks that by eliminating all male and female intercourse the sexually tranmitted diseases will eventually cease to be passed on as he believes this is the safest form of sexual intercorse. (684)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of Gore Vidal's more popular beliefs is that women should never be abused.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Is Mathilde Loisel in The Necklace a Sympathetic Character

Mathilde Loisel is not a sympathetic character in â€Å"The Necklace† because of her materialistic and selfish motives. She is not just poor financially but also in character. She is always dissatisfied with her life. Nice clothes, expensive jewelry, a beautiful house, more furniture and rich friends are the only things she loves in her life. Moreover, she is not a sympathetic character because she disrespects her loving husband. In spite of having a kind, generous, loyal and hard working husband she never stops complaining about him. Mr. Loisel works hard in the evening and sometimes at night as well in order make their life easier. Yet, Mathilde is self-centered and never realizes the problems her husband has to go through to ensure her happiness. Mr. Loisel expects his wife to be thrilled when he gives her invitation to the Ministry’s party. Instead, she throws the invitation in his face for not having a suitable dress and jewelry for the function. He buys her a dress with the money he has saved for a gun. Also after the party, he goes to look for the lost necklace at four in the morning and spends his ten years to pay the debt incurred by a lost necklace. He does everything possible to fulfill her demands and to make her happy. But she didn’t feel his love and devotion for her. Also, in the other way she is too proud because she doesn’t tell Madame Forestier about the lost necklace at first. Because of Mathilde’s greed and pride she and her husband have to spend a miserable life. Therefore, the reader should not feel any pity for her.

Sunday, November 10, 2019


Adrian Corona Speech 101 Pele- Informative Speech Introduction: 1. Attention Getter- â€Å"My father always told me, football is a gift from god, and god gave you this gift, just how he gives a song to a musician, or a singer. So you have to take care of your health, how you prepare yourself, and you always have to respect your opponents, and if you do that you will be a great player and no one will stop you. † This is one famous quote from Pele’s book â€Å"My life, and The Beautiful Game. † 2.Brief Intro- Edison Arantes do Nascimento, more known as Pele was one of, if not the greatest footballer in the world. He was born on October 23, 1940 in Tres Coracoes, Brazil. At only 15, he began to play professional football, and made a huge impact in his team, as well as the national team. Even though Edison was his real name, Pele caught on because it means a miracle in Hebrew. He did not like it at first, but got use to it. He is regarded by many players and fans as the best footballer of all time. 3. Thesis- Today I will talk on behalf how and why Pele is known as the world’s best footballer 4.Preview Statement- First I will talk about Pele’s youth career, next I will talk on behalf of his career stats, and highs, and finally I will talk on how Pele impacted the game in many ways. Body 1. Main Point 1- Pele’s Youth Career A. Pele was first spotted by another football star named Waldemar de Brito. He knew from the beginning that he had an indescribable talent, and had to be signed right away. So Pele began playing for Santos at 15 and his national team at 16, and won his first world cup at 17. a. Even though he had many offer from European clubs, he could not leave Brazil because of the law.He even was declared a national treasure in 1961 by President Janio Quadros of Brazil. b. This made him stay in Santos for almost two decades, but brought much success to the team, as well as for him. (Which I will get into later) c. â⠂¬Å"It seems as if Edison was born with a football. I remember that even before he could walk, he would have a ball with him, and once he could, well that was that. You would always see him playing with his little friends, and what kept him going was not only the love of the game, but looking up to his father†, says his mother in his book â€Å"My Life and the Beautiful Game. Transitional statement- Now I will move on to Pele’s many career stat’s, and all time career highs. Main Point 2- Pele Career Stats and Highs A. Supporting Point- At the end of his career, Pele was known as â€Å"The Black Pearl†, or â€Å"The King Pele†. This name caught on for many reasons. a. Pele was known for his accomplishments and contributions to the game of football. b. For one, Pele has many awards and records. Some of them are: c. In 1999, he was voted Player of the Century by the International Federation of Football.In that same year Pele was elected â€Å"Athlete of the Century† by the â€Å"International Olympic Committee and Reuters News Agency. † d. He was the best well paid athlete of the world for his time. e. He is the most successful league scorer in the world with 541 league goals. In total, he scored 1281 in 1363 matches. f. Won the world cup 3 times (World Record 1958,1962, 1970) g. Won numerous titles with Santos, such as the Copa Libertadores, Intercontinental Cup. (Both in 1962, 1963), Supercopa de Campeones Internacionales (1968), and many, many more. These accomplishments are with Santos only, not the Cosmos) h. He was also one of the best players in the world cups he participated in, receiving the Silver Boot, Silver Ball, and Golden Ball. As well as the all time leading scorer with 77 goals in the national team. i. With a record high of 40 official titles, and a few more runner up titles, Pele without a doubt was considered as the greatest footballer of all time. j. Pele is also acknowledgeable for his vocal su pport of policies to improve conditions for the poor. He even dedicated his 1000th goal to the poor children of Brazil. . Even after retirement, Pele was still around serving as a worldwide ambassador and has taken many roles for participating in FIFA events such as promotions for the world cup. Transitional Statement- After getting some idea of his many accomplishments, I will finally talk about the ways Pele changed the game of Football forever. Main Point 3- The change Pele brought to Football. A. Supporting Point- Pele brought many new ways to play football. a. For one, he was one of the first to do actual tricks in a match of football.For example a top hat in his first world cup. No other team has ever seen something like this. b. Pele also set many new standards for the game. He set many records that people still try to break to this day. c. He also made other players strive to become as successful as he did. Made, and encouraged many players to become more than just a good pl ayer that they already are. d. He was one of the reasons why the prices in the contracts of footballers went up because when more than one team will bid for the same player, they added more money too it. e.And according to the New York Times, Pele is seen as an all rounded player, being the player that he was, and being committed to helping out his country, which makes him almost unreachable by other footballers. Now I will conclude my topic of The one and only Pele Conclusion- A. Pele is seen as the world’s best footballer. B. Today I have informed you about Edison, or more known as Pele, and his youth career, career stats and highs, and how he changed the game forever. C. Even though there are many great footballers like Maradonna, Hugo Sanchez, Ronaldihno, and many others, no one has compared to The King, Pele.Works Cited Page 1. Fish, Robert L. Pele : My Life and the Beautiful Game: The Autobiography of Pele. London: New English Library, 1978. Print. 2. â€Å"A Biography of Pele. † A Biography of Pele. Www. latinosportslegends. com, Apr. -May 2001. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. . 3. Cooper, Ben. â€Å"Soccer's Superlative. † Soccer's Superlative. New York Times, 04 June 1975. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. .

Friday, November 8, 2019

Protists Organisms in the Kingdom Protista

Protists Organisms in the Kingdom Protista Protists are organisms in the kingdom Protista. These organisms are eukaryotes, meaning they are made up of single or multiple cells which all contain a nucleus enclosed by a membrane. The protists are a diverse group of eukaryotes that cannot be classified as animals, plants, or fungi. Organisms in the Protista kingdom include amoebae, red algae, dinoflagellates, diatoms, euglena, and slime molds. How Protists Are Defined Protists are defined by  how they obtain nutrition and how they move.  Protists are typically divided into three categories, including animal-like protists, plant-like protists, and fungus-like protists. Protists vary in how they move, which can range from cilia, flagella, and pseudopodia. In other words, protists move by microscopic hair that flaps together, by a long tail that moves back and forth, or by extending its cell body, similar to an  amoeba. Nutritionally,  protists tend to gather energy in a variety of ways. They can either eat food and digest it inside of themselves, or they may digest outside of their bodies by secreting enzymes. Other protists, like algae, perform photosynthesis and absorb energy from sunlight to make glucose. Animal-Like Protists Some protists look like animals and are typically referred to as protozoa. Most of these types of protists are made up of a single cell and are similar to animals in nature because they are  heterotrophs and able to move around. While they are not considered animals themselves, it is often thought that they may be a shared ancestor. Examples of animal-like protists include: Zooflagellates – flagellaSarcodines – extensions of cytoplasm (pseudopodia)Ciliates – ciliaSporozoans Plant-Like Protists There is also a large and diverse group of protists that are plant-like and known as algae. While some are single-celled, others like seaweed have multiple cells. For example, one type of protist in the marine environment is  Irish moss, which is a species of red algae. More plant-like protists include: DinoflagellatesDiatomsEuglenoidsRed algaeGreen algaeBrown algae Fungus-Like Protists Lastly, there are funguss of fungus-like protists may include: DictyosteliomycotaMyxomycotaLabyrinthulomycotaOomycetes The Benefits to Our World Protists are important to the world in several ways. You may be surprised to learn that chalk is made from the fossil shells of protists, which is helpful in our classrooms and our childrens creativity and play. Additionally, protists produce oxygen which is helpful for the planet. Many protists have a high nutritional value which can help improve illnesses. Protists like protozoa are used in foods like sushi and are good for our water, as protozoa are used to prey on bacteria and help to clean water for us to use.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

King Ethelbert I of Kent

King Ethelbert I of Kent King Ethelbert I of Kent was also known as: Aethelbert I, Aethelberht I, Ethelberht I, St. Ethelbert Ethelbert was known for: issuing the earliest Anglo-Saxon law code that is still extant. Ethelbert also allowed Augustine of Canterbury to evangelize in his lands, which would begin the Christianization of Anglo-Saxon England. Occupations: KingMilitary Leader Places of Residence and Influence: England Important Dates: Born: c. 550Became King of Kent: 560Died: February 24, 616 About King Ethelbert I of Kent: Ethelbert was the son of King Eormenric of Kent, who was believed to have been descended from Hengist, of Hengist and Horsa fame. When Eormenric died in 560, Ethelbert became king of Kent, even though he was still in his minority. The first notable action made by Ethelbert was an attempt to wrest control of Wessex from Ceawlin, then king of Wessex. His efforts were thwarted when he was badly defeated by Ceawlin and his brother Cutha in 568. Though he was evidently unsuccessful in war, Ethelbert was quite successful in his marriage to Berhta, daughter of the Merovingian King Charibert. Ethelbert had long been a pagan, worshipping the Norse god Odin; yet he made every concession to Berhtas Catholicism. He allowed her to practice her religion wherever and however she wished, and he even gave her the church of St. Martin, which had allegedly survived from the time of Roman occupation, in his capital of Cantwaraburh (which would come to be called Canterbury). Although it is entirely possible that Ethelberts devotion to his bride sprang from sincere regard and even love, the prestige of her family may also have motivated the Kentish king to accommodate her Christian ways. The Catholicism of the Merovingian kings tied them strongly to the papacy, and the power of the family was growing in what is now France. It is likely that Ethelbert allowed pragmatism and wisdom to govern these decisions. Whether he was motivated by the influence of Berhta or the power of her family, Ethelbert readily communicated with missionaries from Rome. In 597, a group of monks led by Augustine of Canterbury landed on the Kentish coast. Ethelbert welcomed them and gave them a place to live; he supported their efforts to convert his people, but never forced conversion on anyone. Tradition has it that he was baptized not long after Augustines arrival in England, and that, inspired by his example, thousands of his subjects converted to Christianity. Ethelbert facilitated the construction of churches, including the church of St. Peter and St. Paul, which was allegedly constructed on the site of a pagan temple. It was here that Augustine, the first Archbishop of Canterbury, would be buried, as were several of his successors. Although there was at one point a move to make London the primary See of England, Ethelbert and Augustine together resisted the attempt, and the See of Canterbury thus became the foremost Catholic Church in England. In 604 Ethelbert promulgated a law code known as the Dooms of Ethelbert; this is not only the first of several Dooms of Anglo-Saxon kings, it is the first known written law code in English. Ethelberts Dooms fixed the legal standing of the Catholic clergy in England as well as setting in place a good number of secular laws and regulations. Ethelbert died on February 24, 616. He was survived by two daughters and a son, Eadbald, who remained a pagan all his life. Under Eadbald, Kent and much of southern England saw a resurgence in paganism. Later sources would name Ethelbert a Braetwalda, but it is not known whether or not he used the title himself during his lifetime. More Ethelbert Resources: Ethelbert in PrintThe links below will take you to a site where you can compare prices at booksellers across the web. More in-depth info about the book may be found by clicking on to the books page at one of the online merchants. by Eric John, Patrick Wormald James Campbell; edited by James Campbell(Oxford history of England)by Frank M. Stentonby Peter Hunter Blair Ethelbert on the Web St. EthelbertBrief bio by Ewan Macpherson at the Catholic EncyclopediaMedieval Sourcebook: The Anglo-Saxon Dooms, 560-975First in the document are Ethelberts Dooms. Primary source taken from Oliver J. Thatcher, ed., The Library of Original Sources (Milwaukee: University Research Extension Co., 1901), Vol. IV: The Early Medieval World, pp. 211-239. Scanned and edited by Jerome S. Arkenberg, and placed online by Paul Halsall at his Medieval Sourcebook. Dark-Age BritainMedieval ChristianityWhos Who Directories: Chronological Index Geographical Index Index by Profession, Achievement, or Role in Society

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Report Assignment

Corporate Social Responsibility Report - Assignment Example Externally the company strives to comply with its legal responsibilities based on law, legislation and its duties as a taxpayer. Still, the company has a responsibility as a member of the society, community and environment which it operates. It has to offer due diligence, care and protection to that environment. Therefore, Total is socially responsible because it has invested heavily in the development of human capital, protecting the environment and its enhancement of how it relates with all its stakeholders. The company treats all its stakeholders in a manner deemed acceptable in a civilized society. The business is economically profitable, adheres to the rule of law, ethical and socially supportive. The multinational covers all the four tenets of corporate social responsibility which explains the success in its operations.Taking into consideration that CSR is a designed policy to ensure that public interest is promoted proactively so that the growth and development of the communit y is realized, I would market the CSR of Total as a member of the marketing team in the following ways. ... This applies to a company operating in vice products like Total that has faced so many environmental suits due to oil spills before. As a result of this Total has an opportunity to still penetrate the market. Secondly I would strive to make the customers feel fulfilled, this is derived from the fact that customers normally only purchase products that is vast in its CSR activities (Hopkins, 2004). This makes the customer feel a sense of gratitude and fulfillment hence loyalty to a company. It is important for the public to understand the CSR activities of the business because; as a result, most customers will always want to associate with companies that return back to the society apart from just making profits. The customer loyalty created ensures increased consistent sales making CSR a very powerful marketing tool for most companies and Total in specific. As has already been mentioned, CSR will also make customers feel a sense of gratitude and fulfillment. This has the potential impa ct of product patronage hence translating into brand and loyalty to the company. Intensified CSR is able to calm down the perception of the public in the event of a large public relations crisis hence lessen the impacts of the negative publicity (Hopkins, 2004). As it has been witnessed CSR has the power to benefit both the society and the environment on legal, moral and ethical basis apart from the contributions of the same to economic growth and development. The results of CSR are far-reaching as it surpasses its impacts on mere individuals and localities. It crises crosses the whole society, communities and a whole large settlements. CSR policies, programs and processes are strategic and has a series of business related benefits to the operations of any form of profit oriented

Friday, November 1, 2019

Healthcare Availability in the United States Essay

Healthcare Availability in the United States - Essay Example In the United States, there are three major types of healthcare insurances available to people which include Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO), Point-Of-Service Plans (POS), and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO). HMO is a prepaid healthcare insurance plan in which a person just needs to pay a monthly premium to get a number of healthcare benefits. Some of the main benefits include emergency healthcare, laboratory tests, therapies, and free doctor visits. POS is an indemnity-type healthcare option for people in which they can go to doctors who are actually not in the network of doctors of the insurance plan. Patients can get health coverage even when they are referring to the doctors outside the plan. However, they need to pay coinsurance in such cases. Under this type of health coverage, a person does not need to pay monthly premium to get health benefits. Rather, he/she needs to show PPO card to the authorities to get the benefits in return of a small payment. In a PPO plan, a person can go to the doctors outside of the network but needs to pay a large portion of the total payment