Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Critical contexts of law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Critical contexts of law - Essay Example Humanitarian agencies have been intricately involved with the international community’s use of military force in situations of gross human rights violations and grave breaches of international humanitarian law. Humanitarian agencies have called outright for military intervention and not got it. There is the option to call for the military intervention. So here in Sylvia’s case the UN may reject or even give permission of military intervention based on the severity of the issue. People fear of military intervention since there is lot of loss of life, property and the like. Many believe the intervention should be done as the very last option, where every other opportunity has been exhausted. Generally UN suggests of non military intervention where the government officials are denied visas to visit other countries unless they follow rules and remain disciplined. They need a solid and good reason for intervention. The question is does Sylvia have a solid reason apart from i nhumane treatment towards his subjects? What ever he has done is a great crime but the court needs full proof of his crimes, solid proofs. The International Criminal Court (ICC), governed by the Rome Statute, is the first permanent, treaty based, international criminal court established to help end impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community.The question is does Sylvia have a solid reason apart from inhumane treatment towards his subjects?  

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