Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Parallel Lives of Ethan Frome and Edward Rochester

The Parallel Lives of Ethan Frome and Edward Rochester The tale of forbidden love binds itself within many famous works of literature in order to provoke the human mind into situations similar to those of Adam and Eve of the Bible. The â€Å"forbidden fruit† plays an important role in the books of Ethan Frome and Jane Eyre in the form of unattainable but beloved women, where two men, Ethan Frome and Mr. Edward Rochester, share common distinguishable attributes. Their serene sensitive nature soon explodes into a passionate cause, later revealing a bare, desperate soul that longs for their beloved â€Å"forbidden fruit.† Within Frome and Mr. Rochester lies an image of a sensitive individual, one that expresses his love to a special maiden, but†¦show more content†¦The least he can do is enjoy his last moments with Mattie as he takes her to the train station. Seeing that the departure between them provides too much pain, Ethan takes the desperate way out by coa sting into the big elm tree as it â€Å"loomed bigger and closer, and as they bore down on it he thought: ‘It’s waiting for us: it seems to know’†(170), but unfortunately they still live. Although Frome’s desperate action was intended to save Mattie’s love for him forever, he lost the real her as she grew old and bitter after the accident. On the same hand, Mr. Rochester becomes desperate too because he wants Jane’s forgiveness for the insane wife fiasco. He tells Jane that he never meant to hurt her because â€Å"if the man who had but one little ewe lamb that was dear to him as a daughter, had by some mistake slaughtered it by its shambles, he would not have rued his bloody blunder more than I [Rochester] now rue[s] mine [his]†(283-284). With that, Jane immediately forgives his desperate plea, but leaves Thornfield because of her morals concerning a bound marriage. Hanging their heads low, the two desperate men continue to love their women with a bare, and battered heart; a heart that at least still beats. Again, the â€Å"forbidden fruit† that was eaten reaped the consequences that both Ethan Frome and Edward Rochester faced. However, their sensitive, passionate, and desperate character traits display all attempts

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