Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Evaluate Postmodernist Explanations of the Role and Functions of Religion in Contemporary Society Essay

Evaluate postmodernist explanations of the role and functions of religion in contemporary society. Postmodernist religion can be defined as any type of religion that is influenced, interpreted or shaped by postmodernism and postmodern philosophies. Postmodern religion is not an attempt to banish religion from society; rather, it is a philosophical approach to religion that considers orthodox assumptions that may reflect power differences in society rather than universal truths. A postmodern interpretation of religion emphasises the key point that religious truth is highly individualistic, subjective and resides within the individual. Science technology and efficiency would overcome many social problems. The collapse of the ‘grand-narrative’ is part of post-modernism as it is a belief system that claims universal authority, religion; science and philosophies are examples of these. They have a superior status over other belief systems and also claimed they could explain the causes of society’s problems and could therefore provide solutions. According to Jean-Francois Lyotard, the grand-narratives powerful attraction has been lost during the 20th century. So, science hasn’t delivered solutions, wars have devastated nations, and the world is still full of evils that the grand-narratives can’t explain or resolve. Examples of this are world wars; nuclear warfare; AIDS and global poverty. The common perspective of post-modernist religion is ‘there is a god who can’t do anything, there is a god who won’t do anything, or there isn’t a god. ’ Zygmunt Bauman said post-modernity is the irretrievable loss of trust in the project of modernity and its ability to manage, enhance and fulfil human potential. Symbols, signs and meanings are also another theory to post-modernism. Mass media like television and the internet have exposed us all to different cultures and ideas from across the globe, also known as globalisation. The ‘meanings’ of things have now become more individualised, we consume the products, symbols and signs of a globalised economy, but we provide our own meanings to these. Jean Baudrillard said â€Å"we are what we consume†¦ and our identities are formed and changed through acts of consumption. † Signs and symbols have become detached from their original meanings; original purposes and meanings have become lost. Religious signs and symbols are losing their meaning, these signs and symbols have been adopted by mass consumer culture, usually used for decorative and playful purposes such as jewellery. Joseph Natoli said â€Å"post-modernity has questioned the authority and legitimizing of both faith and reason, opting for the view that both offer stories of reality†¦ both do so on the shifting sands of a post-modernist outlook. † Signs and symbols have become insecure from the things they were linked to originally. Individuals no longer identify with a single religion and so they blend different beliefs with practices to create an identity for themselves. This can be known as being utilitarian, so there is no substance to our identity and actions, we are no longer just shaped by the moulding force of socialisation. Zygmunt Bauman said the consumption of goods and services becomes more important in our lives as a way of constructing and changing identity. This consumption is addictive and advertising drags us in. â€Å"I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore, and I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore, and when do you think it will all become clear? † from ‘The Fear’ by Lily Allen (2009). Many different religions now exist and people tend to mix the styles and genres with one another. Baudrillard said it is hard to find guidance in our lives as sources of authority and moral leadership are often undermined, they seem almost irrelevant. In the past we believed anything that religious leaders told us, simply because they were a religious leader, but this is no longer the case as we are now sceptical. We live in a world of images, and so it is hard to distinguish between image and reality as we live in a world where media simulations are more ‘real’ than the reality that we live in. Anthony Giddens said we live in a new form of modernity where we have lost faith in the ‘project of modernity’. We are now able to try out many different cultures in a globalised world. Life is now more uncertain than before. So to sum up, we live in a society characterised the coexistence of many different subgroups and cultures; the erosion of traditional social classes; the growth of movements such as environmentalism, feminism and ethnic politics; the absence of agreed standards for evaluating what is true/false and right/wrong; the blurring of what is real and not; and experimentation with self-identity. Stewart Clegg said that organisations are different in the post-modern age. For example, in the modern age there is rigid authoritarian control; mass consumption; it is dominated by technology and is demarcated and deskilled. Whereas, in the post-modern age there is flexible and democratic control; niche markets; it is enabled by technology and is undemarcated and multi-skilled jobs. Postmodernists believe that the advent of postmodernity has led to significant changes in religion. In particular, they see it as leading to the decline of traditional church-based religions in which believers follow rules laid down by their religion, and the growth of new age beliefs where people can pick and choose their own belief systems. Marxist religion is all about the ruling class owning the means of production, and through wealth they derive power which allows control over the superstructure of society. Ruling class ideology of religion keeps the ruling class in power by discouraging the working classes from realising they are being exploited and in turn trying to rebel against the ruling class power. Karl Marx famously described religion as the ‘opium of the masses’, by this he meant that religion was seen as being like a drug that helps people deal with pain, much like ‘opium’. Religion promises eternal life in heaven for people who accept religion. As the biblical quote says ‘it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye if a needle, than for s rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven’. It offers hope of supernatural intervention to end suffering, for example, Jehovah’s witnesses believe that judgement day will arrive and those who are not religious will be judged and punished. Marx saw religion as a mechanism of social control. It creates false class consciousness, mistaken beliefs about the true nature of social life, which justify the position of the ruling class. This prevents the working class developing class consciousness, in which they become aware that they are exploited, and unite to overthrow the capitalist system that exploits them. Marx believed the only escape of this exploitation was communism, this way religion would no longer be necessary. Without social classes there would be no need for religion as its sole purpose was to legitimate ruling class power. Religion would therefore disappear. For example, in the Soviet Union under communist leadership from 1917 to 1990 the state consistently opposed the existence of religious beliefs and destroyed many Russian orthodox churches, as well as mosques and synagogues. The Marxist view of religion has been proven in many societies across the world; some examples of these are the Hindu caste system and evangelical Christianity in Latin America. In the Hindu caste system in India, people were divided into 5 castes based upon their supposed degree of religious purity. The Brahmins (priests) were at the top and the untouchables (unskilled labourers) at the bottom. This supports the Marxist view since no movement was permitted between castes, this system ensured the ruling class maintained their power and control and justified the lowly position of those at the bottom in terms of their religious impurity. The new Christian right have encouraged the spread of protestant religious beliefs in predominantly catholic Latin America countries particularly amongst the poor in shantytowns. This supports the Marxist view of religion as protestant religious beliefs provide religious discipline and hope of salvation in afterlife to some of the poorest in Latin American societies, discouraging them from supporting radical catholic liberation theology and encouraging support for US-style capitalist values. However Marxist view can also be criticised, just a few criticisms would be that Marxist only focus on one possible role of religion in society and it ignores the much broader range of effects religion might have. Another criticism would be that attempts to destroy religion in communist countries were not successful. Religion survived in the USSR and Catholicism thrived in communist Poland. Much like Marxists, feminists believe that religion does not serve the interests of society as a whole, and only serves the interests of a particular social group. They see religion as being patriarchal, male-dominated, and serving the interests of men. Karen Armstrong argued that religion has not always been patriarchal and that in early history women were considered central to spirituality and archaeologists have found numerous symbols of the great mother goddess, in comparison there were few portrayals of male gods. With the advent of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, monotheistic religions largely replaced polytheistic religions. In all these cases god was portrayed as a male. Jean Holm argues that in the public sphere of religion when important positions are held, men almost always dominate. However, in the private sphere, women are dominant and do most of the religious work. Holm has identified inequality between men and women in all major world religion. Some examples of these inequalities are shown in Christianity/roman Catholicism; Islam; Hinduism; Chinese folk religions; Orthodox Judaism and Sikhism.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

External & Internal Factors Essay

Verizon Communications, (NYSE:VZ), formed by the merger of Bell Atlantic and GTE, is one of the world’s leading providers of high-growth communications services. Verizon companies are the largest providers of wireline and wireless communications in the United States, with over 137 million access line equivalents and over 34 million wireless customers. Verizon is also the world’s largest provider of print and online directory information. A Fortune 10 company with more than 221,000 employees and $67 billion in 2002 revenues, Verizon’s global presence extends to over 30 countries in the Americas, Europe, Asia and the Pacific. As a company of this size, corporate planning is a vital function to deal external and internal factors, in which, the company’s goals or objectives are achieved. In addition, a well-defined strategic planning implemented will be the guidelines in dealing with each factor, such as, rapid change, globalization, technology, e-business, innovation, diversity, and ethics. We will break down each factor as how Verizon’s business plans set their objectives in being the leader of communications services. Rapid Change If there are two issues that characterize the challenges twenty-first century corporations face today, those issues can be summarized as â€Å"competition and change.† (Dessler, p. 13) Rapid change is a common factor that most corporations needed to prepare itself, in order, to be competitive. That is, Verizon is implementing a restructure of their lines of business. One of their focuses is constantly providing improvement of customer services for their customers, such as a faster internet connection, bundling of services, or offering more flexible phone service (local & long distance) packages. The downturn of this restructure is management position reduction, in which, approximately 200 managers will be losing their jobs due to departmental merger. Globalization Research in the solid state technology for the improvement of telephony  switching systems made it possible the development of a new kind of electronic device which also helped the rapid evolution of computers. Computers were gradually interconnected through telecommunication lines. Initially they allowed terminals to access the main frame and later they were used to interconnect several computers in the network. In the early nineties these telecommunication networks covered most of the planet with different communication technologies. An era of knowledge had been birth, telecommunication engineering for computer systems. These new systems allowed information to travel at the speed of light. Such information exchange was the bases of a new economic phenomenon called Globalization of the world economy. The new profile will basically require the following, *To be continuously curious and eager to keep updated with everyday change. *To learn and adjust fast to new administrative routines. *To contribute and efficiently work in small teams. *The perseverance and courage to look for new solutions, for technical and economic improvements. *To print one’ own ideas in a clear and objective way. Technology: Verizon Wireless is on the cutting edge of technology. There are several different types of technology such as new DSL lines, dedicated internet access and Integrated T-1 access to name a few. As a growing business you would have a wide variety of choices available to you, in order to build the type of network that you would need to operate in the most efficient way. Verizon also has a variety of services for networks, voice communications, they will also configure, manage and do project management for a business. A lot of customers don’t have a sophisticated network department so in order to have a network that functions to its fullest potential these services would be a great benefit especially to a small business. There are also  several different types of programs for the disabled with a variety of issues such as speech, hearing, mobility and visual disabilities. Verizon has taken the external factors that affect them and have turned it into a positive business decision for all of their customers. E-Business All over the country people are doing more shopping and selling over the internet. The technology that Verizon is developing will enable everyone to have the connectivity that is needed for uninterrupted connections. The Verizon website can take you to the how to of e-commerce. Some of the items that you can find there are how to develop a web site, ways to get your site ready to sell and the what to do and what not to do for your business. E-commerce is such a broad topic, but as the Web evolves more and more companies will start to advertise and sell on the web which will probably cause businesses to downsize some of their departments such as marketing and customer service to name a few. Innovation As Verizon tries to stay on the cutting edge of technology here are some of the things that they are trying to do. There is a huge role out of FTTP which means Fiber to the premise. This will entail households to utilize more with less. The bandwidth on a fiber cable can handle far more traffic than on copper cable. Customers will be able to use their computers, fax, and telephone all on the same line. It is very much like the DSL line that Verizon is also trying to role out. Digital Subscriber Line will allow you to do more with less. The cost factor between the two, DSL is much cheaper to put in than fiber. FTTP will have to all get put in new. From the cable in the ground to the cable at the customer’s premises. DSL can go over the existing copper lines so we will not have that extra added cost. Verizon also just came out with Sametime; it is a way to chat through Lotus Notes. Now many users while emailing one another can also chat at the same time. Diversity Verizon is committed to diversity. They serve a diverse customer population and strive to have an employee body that reflects that diversity. This commitment is extended to their supplier relationship. Their belief is that having a wide range of suppliers is as critical to the company’s success as having employees that relate to their customers, speaking their language, reflecting their tastes and preferences. The idea is to build customer loyalty, stimulate economic growth, and tap into the innovation and entrepreneurship for Verizon to be competitive. By including Minority, Women, Vietnam Era Vets & Disabled Owned Business Enterprises (MW/DV BEs) in their supplier chain, two main goals are achieved. Verizon positions their business for success and contributes to the economic prosperity of the communities they serve. In a speech for the National Minority Supplier Diversity Council Award meeting, Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg assured minority suppliers of their commitment: â€Å"The question facing many minority suppliers is: will businesses cut back on their spending with us, when the going gets a little tough? Of course there are no guarantees — for minority or indeed for any suppliers — but I want to assure you that as much as diversity is a business strategy with us, it’s also a moral commitment — an expression of who and what we fundamentally are. In good times and bad, we’re going to maintain the team that courts and cultivates minority suppliers, and we’re going to do our level best to assure that minority suppliers are not disproportionately hurt when things get tight, as they are right now. This is my personal commitment to you, as CEO of Verizon.† Ethic Verizon’s code of business conduct provides a section on resolving ethic questions for the goal of helping them strengthen their connection with business partners and each other. Realizing that not every ethic questions has an easy answer and may require difficult judgment calls, this code of business conduct outlines the following steps to resolve these questions: (a) define the situation (b) consult resources and (c) seek help from others. By defining the situation; one might be able to find an answer to the question such as: Are you concerned about a possible violation of a law,  regulation or Verizon standard? There are three available consulting resources for their employees: Verizon Promise/Code of Business Conduct/Corporate and department policies and procedures. Finally, employees are advised to seek help from their own manager, another manager, or a specific department like Human Resources, Legal, Verizon Security or the Office of Ethics and Business Compliance. In conclusion, Verizon has positioned itself to deal with these external and internal factors. This shows how their management has made strategic planning in keeping with the company’s mission and in achieving their goals. In addition, their services and products are the reasons why Verizon ranks among the top in leadership, service, diversity and innovation. Verizon’s inclusion on numerous ‘best of’ lists in the country is a testament to these accomplishments. Also, Verizon prides itself on the relationships it maintains with business providers, and strives to promote a mutually beneficial business relationship based on the highest business standards of ethical conduct. Works Cited Dessler, Gary. Management, Leading People and Organizations in the 21st Century (2nd ed.), 2001. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. Verizon website

Phoenix Jackson and the Modern Day Woman Essay

A phoenix is a mythical bird of great beauty fabled to live 500 or 600 years in the Arabian wilderness, to burn itself on a funeral pyre, and to rise from its ashes in the freshness of youth and live through another cycle of years: often an emblem of immortality or of reborn idealism or hope; a person or thing of peerless beauty or excellence; a person or thing that has become renewed or restored after suffering calamity or apparent annihilation; A person or thing regarded as uniquely remarkable in some respect. Eudora Welty, in her character Phoenix Jackson, creates humanity’s counterpart of the phoenix firebird from oriental tradition (Wampler 4 June 2013). Although Phoenix Jackson can not lay claim to the immortality manifested by consuming fiery rebirths (as does the mythological bird), she possesses a fiery spirit and is consumed by love for her grandchild (Wampler 4 June 2013). Phoenix Jackson is wise, confident, fearless, tenacious, courageous, and has a clear goal in mind, which is to get her grandson’s medicine despite any obstacle that she may face. Phoenix Jackson can be summed up in one word which is noble. All women should have the characteristics of Phoenix Jackson but some of those characteristics are being lost with the evolving society. Phoenix Jackson is an elderly African American woman walking into town on a cold winter morning to get medicine for her sick grandson. One aspect of Phoenix’s likeness to the mythical phoenix is their journey before they die. The Natchez Trace is an old highway that runs from Nashville, Tennessee, to Natchez, Mississippi (Natchez Trace 27 May 2013). By 1800 it was the busiest in the American South (Natchez Trace 27 May 2013). Phoenix lives â€Å"a way back off the Old Natchez Trace,† which indicates that the journey along with the fact that it is December is difficult for her (A Worn Path n. d. ). The obstacles she faces shows how deeply she cares and sacrifices for her grandson. At the end, when we are told she â€Å"began on the stairs, going down† it indicates that she is faced with a return journey as difficult as the one she has just completed (A Worn Path n. d. ). She is also between 80-100 years old which further magnifies the intensity of her journey and the tragic situation of her grandson’s dependence on her. Like many people who have lived to be Ms. Jackson’s age, they gain strength from the years of trials and experiences in their lives. Ms. Jackson was unschooled, black and a woman who grew up during the depression and slavery years. This along with her many years on earth have made her cautious, strong willed and driven. Phoenix’s appearance is yet another aspect of her likeness to the phoenix. At the beginning of the story, Phoenix is described as having a â€Å"golden color [running] underneath [her skin], and the two knobs of her cheeks were illuminated by a yellow burning under the dark† (A Worn Path n. d. ). Welty further describes Phoenix’s hair as being tied back in a â€Å"red rag† (A Worn Path n. d. ). These images cannot be taken to be a mere coincident as the phoenix from the ancient Egyptian legend is described as having a beautiful red and gold plumage. Furthermore, Phoenix’s eyes are said to be â€Å"blue with age† (A Worn Path n. d. ). This description is the first of many that give an indication of her age. The phoenix is a bird that matures to an extreme age before it bursts into flame and is reborn from the ashes. Welty also employs some rather unusual imagery, in which she describes Phoenix’s skin as having â€Å"a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles as though a whole little tree stood in the middle of her forehead† (A Worn Path n. d. ). All of these ties back in with the age the phoenix grows to. During the 1940’s women’s roles and expectations in society were changing rapidly. Previously women had very little say in society and were stereotyped to stay home, have babies, to be a good home maker and wife. Modern day women have it so easy compared to women in the 1940’s. Women today have many career opportunities that were not open to women of the 20th century. In fact, the great majority of women were illiterate because it was assumed that they didn’t need to read if all the work they would do in life was raise children. Women of the 21st century have access to dozens of labor-saving devices that allow them to do housework in a fraction of the time that it took women in the olden days (Women’s Rights). Women today use birth control to plan the size of their families. Centuries ago, it was not unheard of for women to have 11 children, and childbirth was the single highest cause of death for women in their 20s and 30 (Women’s Rights). Women in these times live under a justice system that tries to stop domestic violence, whereas women in 1808 were the property of their husbands, who could do whatever they liked without penalty (Women’s Rights). No policeman or judge would ever think a man had done wrong if he ‘had’ to beat his wife to get her to behave. Modern women control their own finances. Women two hundred years ago were unable to sign for a bank loan without a male consenting to co-sign (Women’s Rights). They were judged incapable of owning property, even to the point that any property that they brought with them into their marriage or inherited from their father was immediately transferred to the safe keeping of their husbands (Women’s Rights). If he then turned it into cash and invested it in a business deal that went bad, the wife had no recourse to recover the money. Women were only given the vote in 1920 (Women’s Rights). Before that, they had no say whatsoever in the laws that were passed that affected their lives. In a few ways, modern women have a harder time than women of yesteryear. Today some women move so far from home that their social and family networks break down. It appears that women living in the 21st century have it vastly easier than women of the 1940’s, although not in every case. Phoenix Jackson was a very rare woman during her time and she is unlike the modern women of today. Not many women today or even back then would do what she did for her grandson. Most women are focused on their careers and would send their husband or nanny to get the medicine for their child. Phoenix Jackson sacrificed a lot because of the love she had for her grandson. Phoenix Jackson’s courage and tenacity are illustrated repeatedly as she faces crisis after crisis during her journey –a frozen day in December, animals in the thicket, hills, thorny bushes, creeks, barbed-wire fences, a com field maze, superstition, a hunter’s gun, a tower of steps, her own forgetfulness, and failing physical health–all obstacles to be overcome (Wampler 4 June 2013). And that’s what Phoenix Jackson does (Wampler 4 June 2013).

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Impact of Internet and Digital Culture on Workplace Ethics Essay

The Impact of Internet and Digital Culture on Workplace Ethics - Essay Example It would not be mistaken to say that each generation has its own time and technology and a similar amount of satisfaction but only enjoying at different times (Misa, 2004). This study aims at explaining the e describing the historical emergence and growth of the internet as a facility, its effects alongside its growth patterns and its effects on different generations. The onset and use of technology is defined and equally affected by some factors such as its democratization, its ease and flexibility of use (as opposed to other media) (Ferdinand, 2000), its different designations that serve different audience and, the effect of patterns, tastes and preferences of particular audience on its designing over time and space (Proctor & Vu, 2005). These factors are therefore explored in different lengths and at different areas of focus throughout this study. Whether old or modern, as reiterated above, all media exists within and is an aspect of technology (Manovich, 2001). Technology exhibits a typical flux nature; that is, its growth and development are progressive processes (Manovich, 2001). Each form and module of technology operates perfectly well in a given timeframe and then gets defaced and replaced by another as time goes by. Telegraph was perhaps the first electromagnetic form of communication. Later, the telephone emerged in form of a listening device. Then the technological experimentations bore analog media in forms of cinematography, radio, and TVs. It was in the 1940s when TVs were invented. The following years saw the idea of TVs as perhaps the best invention of the time due to its entertainment both as a leisure activity and workplace motivation. The global society was enthusiastically detached from written information and adopted TVs as the best and entertaining alternative. In some societies, TVs were even a mark of ho usehold financial abilities.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Places and Spaces in Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Places and Spaces in Art - Essay Example However, using several media effects, the images at times appear to be a bit artificial in form. The forms and figures becomes a little brighter than the works based upon pure manual work of art. Although this is the case, it is still obvious that even though media effects are incorporated within the art pieces, the message is still clearly sent to the viewers of the painted art. Meanwhile, the explosion of creative genius ideas on art characterizes High Renaissance Style. This style has been used through the stretch of years from 1450-1520. Now, the same style is being redeveloped along with the mixture of painting style with the latest media effects available through technology and computer application. The High Renaissance Style is known for its technical competence and its rich artistic presentation of imaginative design. The heroic composition of the images presented through this style is indeed shown through the use of harmony and balance of the figures featured through the produced artistic pieces. To have a better understanding of the artistic styles and presentations mentioned above, two of the most widely known art pieces, which have been revised and repainted by many painters on their own version, shall be examined. For the International Gothic Style, The Coronation of The Virgin painted by Gentile de Fabriano shall be observed as to how the figur es of its presentation where shown in connection with the message of the art work. For the High Renaissance Style, the version of Madonna ad Child by Lorenzo Di Credi shall be examined as well. The Elements of Creative Art Both paintings created by the painters mentioned above have their own characteristics that depicts the message each painter wants to send the viewing public. The following re the elements of art and painting that contributes to the said matter of concern. Hence, both paintings shall be analyzed as to how they are able to convey their message to their audiences. Space Analysis The 'Coronation of the Virgin' is more of a wide spaced painting wherein the point of attention is focused upon the arising 'Mary' towards the direction of heaven. This spacious factor in the said painting thus contributes to the sense of centralized visionary element that the painter would want to imply to the viewers. On the other hand, the painting of 'Madonna and Child' has a more intact space. This is mainly to denote the close connection of the characters portrayed by the images found in the painting. The closeness shows the relationship that exists between the mother and the child which is common to the actual events in the world. This factor helps portray the painting's touching message of the caring thoughts of a mother towards her child. Form "Coronation of the Virgin" has a form that shows femininity and the fragile aspect of a woman's character. The characteristics of being free and constantly changing is being depicted by the ascending picturesque of"Mary". On the other hand, Madonna and Child depicts the other side of the woman on being a mother. A caring woman who is able to support her young amidst all the challenges in life, whether easy or not. Design and Figures Both the design and figures of the paintings are used to show the elements of the images that are used to show

Saturday, July 27, 2019

A Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Business Plan - Essay Example Following is the list of elements required for the business plan Executive summary is one of the most important segments of any business plan. It will give the brief idea of the company’s business, background and expectations from the particular group. This creates interest for the investor to read further. It should be carefully written. This is written to give an idea about the market and the company operating in. The background of the company should include information like when company started, product or services it offers, its customer base, the growth it’s experiencing and current performance. Apart from company specific information it should also include the information regarding the market and industry it’s operating in. The market can be new developing or developed. The competition and the position of the company within that market give an idea to the investors about the overall position of the company and validity of its growth projections. The clarity of vision can be supportive to attract investors. Vision gives the overall picture of the opportunity existing and how company will be growing with that opportunity. It is supported by the financials and other non financial factors. This section discusses the about the opportunity existing in the market and the roadmap through which company will be operating to earn the profits. This will include planning for various functions of the company i.e. operations, marketing, human resource management and financial management. In this segment the financial strategy should be described. The capital budgeting, break even analysis, operating cost, fixed and variable cost, projection of profits, investment requirement, cash flow and balance sheets. The financial projections will give the bank or investor an opportunity to understand the financial planning and its coherence with the overall strategy. The organization structure includes the organization chart, brief

Friday, July 26, 2019

Long term care Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Long term care - Case Study Example Rehabilitation centers also constitute an important part of long-term care facilities. Ethics, on the other hand, refers to the concept of right and wrong. Ethics involves the process of defending and applauding the perception of what is right and what is wrong. Ethics defines the best way for people to live to live and tells what should happen in particular circumstances. The whole concept of ethics is based on human morality. The concept of morality in long-term care facilities go hand in hand. There are, however, various challenges that have evolved in the process of ensuring ethics in such facilities. The concept of reasoning has been a problem in long-term care facilities, especially where the patients are mentally unstable (Ekland-Olson, 2015). Mental instability impairs thinking. The patients in these facilities, therefore, propagate immorality due to the inability to reason logically. Another ethical challenge in long-term care facilities has been the increasing populations in such facilities. The concentration of patients in a small restricted area has made it relatively difficult for the authorities to monitor morality. High population makes it difficult for immoral individuals to be traced. In the United States, care facilities are one of the institutional frameworks that need the establishment of morality. Morality in such institutions can be designed and sustained by increased monitoring of individuals and strict observation of legislated policies. Necessary legal actions should be taken on any staff who does not show morality in their profession (Fan, 2010). More long-term care institutions should also be established to control the increasing challenge of overpopulated facilities. Morality in long-term care facilities should be enhanced bot only for the safety of patients under such care, but also for the moral stability of the nation as a whole. Morality in such institutions should, therefore, be maintained at the highest levels

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Management of Organisational Behaviour Assignment

Management of Organisational Behaviour - Assignment Example The resultant effects of these problems are that output of the supplies department is less than optimal and the service it renders to its customer is poor. As most of you are aware, the institutions this department services provide essential needs and services to the populace of Glent County. The inability therefore of our department to adequately meet their supply needs can adversely affect their effectiveness in discharging essential services to the county. When symptoms of an illness are noted, they often point to an underlying cause. If this cause can be identified and remedied, the symptoms would vanish and health restored. A stitch in time, we are told saves nigh. There is no point in allowing the illness to fester on, when remedial action can be taken. In the same akin, the problems of Glent county supplies department cannot remain unattended to. It must be addressed in a comprehensive manner. An all -out organizational re-engineering and renewal is needed. In the few months that we have been at Glent county supplies department, these are some of our observations. There are too many rules that govern behavior at this department. The organizational chain of command is unduly long. Decision- making is over centralized. The outcome is that a simple task takes a long period of time to get done.

Assessment one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assessment one - Essay Example A similar holding was made in Harris 3 where the plaintiff lost his claims for loss of time and expense despite withdrawal of the advertised furniture from sale. An exception is the Carlill case 4 where an advertisement sufficiently constituted an offer to sell because it was a unilateral offer to sell to the world, which can be accepted by satisfying the condition required. Also, purchase of the product was enough consideration and the intent to be legally bound was proven by the deposit of  £1000 to the Bank. Thus, Chantelle’s advertisement is just an invitation to treat. Moreover, the exchange between Ben and Chantelle over the telephone lacks certainty and merely involves a request for information similar to Stevenson v McLean 5 where it a request for information was held not a counteroffer. Ben’s offer is only constituted the moment he wrote to Chantelle but such an offer is subject to acceptance, which did not happen. Felthouse v Bindley 6 held that acceptance must be communicated to the offeror. The lack of valid acceptance here militates against the forming of a valid

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Consider how modern American drama presents the self as fragmented and Essay

Consider how modern American drama presents the self as fragmented and insecure in Death of a Salesman and Cat on a Hot Tin Roo - Essay Example Negative impacts of the depression era and the evil of capitalism have played a pivotal role in the life of American middleclass people. American dramatist Arthur Miller and his followers have often experienced the evil of depression and capitalism (Bryer & Hartig 2010, p. 363). Increasing insecurity in sexual relation among the people also provide contributory causes for insecure existence in modern world. Willy Loman, the central character in Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman fails to understand the real pulse of the society. Therefore he does not find success both in his personal and professional life. He is a self possessed and self-contained man who fails in his personal life and the same failure directs him to his tragic death at the end of the play. Tennessee William’s Cat on a Hot Tin Roof presents the conflict of a Southern family. Brick, the husband in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof lead a self possessed life and likes to continue his homosexual nature. At the s ame time, his wife Margaret leads a miserable life to catch her husband’s attention even in the midst of her husband’s negligence. As eminent figures of Modern American drama, Arthur Miller and Tennesse Williams successfully take up the theme of ‘fragmented self’ and ‘insecurity’ in their works Death of a Salesman and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Osgerby 2001, p. 71). ... The playwright portrays the failure of the American success myth and the insecure existence of the personal and financial life of an American middle class man through the character of Willy Loman in Miller’s play (This is just a close reading of the text and you do not need to provide a reference here!). Willy Loman, the central character of the play fails to understand the real pulse of the modern materialist society as well its people. He is a total failure in his personal life as well as in family life and it is this failure that leads him to his tragic death at the end of the play. It is his self-deceptiveness and his blindness to reality that leads him to a world of conflicts. Unable to cope with reality Loman convinces himself that he is successful and the same self acts as an obstacle in his way to reveal his mistake. Death of a Salesman exemplifies the theme of self and insecurity through the despondent life of the protagonist Willy Loman and the other members of his f amily. Each member of Willy’s family feels emotional frustration and insecurity. Willy Loman isolates and alienates himself from his wife, his sons, his fellow beings, and the society because of his conscious efforts to justify his self. In Death of a Salesman Willy’s wife Linda is portrayed as a completely accepting wife and a good mother. It is simply unintentional that Loman’s elder son Biff became the victims of Lawman’s illegal relationship with a prostitute. Biffs’ unhealthy appearance and self-destructive nature haunts Loman as a nightmare but at the same time his distinctive self prevents him to confess his fault. Michelle, in this

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Working in teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Working in teams - Essay Example As we progressed, there were a series of in-group conflicts especially due to conflict of ideas as some members wanted their ideas to get priority than others. With time, such conflicts were resolved and the members grew closer leading to achievement of great cohesion. ï » ¿Trust was also an important component in our team development as proposed by Bass and Ryterband (1979) since it allowed our team members to slowly learn to accept the group norms, virtues and values thereby enhancing conformity. This move was essential in assisting us to have a common voice as a team and also in minimizing resistance and conflicts while ensuring effective coordination that allowed for successful presentation delivery (Bass & Ryterband 1979). Team Tasks were assigned based on Meredith Belbin’s Team Roles Theory in terms of the behavioural strengths and weaknesses (Henry & Stevens 1999). The content of the presentation was divided among members in small chunks in order to merge it after individual contribution. Members were delegated individual tasks by the leader based on observation of their behaviour to identify who is better in what area. This enabled us to compensate for each other’s weaknesses while improving our strengths. As such, we were able to ensure that each member made a contribution to the final output. Participating in the group taught me a lot of skills and gave me experiences I didn’t have before. I learnt the importance of interpersonal skills, trust, communication skills, empathy, listening skills among others. According to Brooks (1993), teams have emerged to be essential pillars of most organizations and, therefore, relevant skills are required since even the most brilliant person can miss out for lack of such skills. Furthermore, working in teams enabled us to establish a sense of belonging due to formation of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Europe and the Great Depression of the 1930s - Study Notes Essay Example for Free

Europe and the Great Depression of the 1930s Study Notes Essay The Great Depression of the 1930s was a result of World War I. Germany had to pay off war debts to France and Britain, but in the meantime, they borrowed money from the U.S. There was a chain connecting everyone, and when Germany finally failed to pay France and Britain, the chain of money stopped. France and Britain could not pay the U.S. back, and the stock market crash ensued shortly afterwards. Its severity was due to the chain reactions and interlocking of the different countries. Germany was suffering major inflation, and simply could not pay or make up its debt to the other countries. If France and Britain were equally blamed for the war, it may not have happened, because Germany would not be supporting the countries economically. The National Government took three decisive steps to attack the depression. First, to balance the budget, it raised taxes, cut insurance benefits to the unemployed and the unemployed and the elderly, and lowered government salaries. Its leaders argued that the fall in prices that had taken place meant that those reductions did not appreciably cut real income. Second, in September 1931, Britain went off the gold standard. The value of the British pound on the international money market fell by about 30 percent. This move somewhat stimulated exports. Third, in 1932 Parliament passed the Import Duties Bill, which placed a 10 percent ad valorem tariff on all imports except those from the empire. Gold and free trade, the hallmarks of almost a century of British commercial policy was abandoned. The Popular Front, on June 8, 1936, immediately raised wages from 7 and 15 percent, depending on the job involved. Employers were required to recognize unions and to bargain collectively with them. Workers were given annual, paid two-week vacations. The forty-hour week was established throughout French industry. Everyone was terrified of the Third Republic. The outflow of foreign capital from Germany beginning in 1928 undermined the economic prosperity of the Weimar Republic. The resulting economic crisis brought parliamentary government to an end. In 1928 a coalition of center parties and the Social Democrats governed. All went reasonably well until the depression struck. Then the coalition partners disagreed sharply on economic policy. The Social Democrats refused to reduce social and  unemployment insurance. The more conservative parties, remembering the inflation of 1923, insisted on a balanced budget. The coalition dissolved in March 1930. Hitler came into office by legal means, he was eventually elected Chancellor by the president and all the proper documents were completed. When the president of Germany died on August 2, 1934, Hitler combined the offices of chancellor and president. He was then the sole ruler of Germany and of the Nazi party. No, his dictatorship was not inevitable. His seizure of power was more by impersonal forces, especially because he only became ruler of Germany when the President died. Nazi economic policies maintained private property and private capitalism, but subordinated all significant economic enterprise and decisions about prices and investment to the goals of the state. Hitler reversed the deflationary policy of the cabinets that had preceded him. He instituted a massive program of public works and spending. Many of these projects related directly or indirectly to rearmament. The government sponsored canal building, land reclamation, and the construction of a large highway system with clear military uses. The government returned some unemployed workers to farms if they had originally come from there. Other laborers were not permitted to change jobs. The Nazi economic experiment proved that by sacrificing all political and civil liberty, destroying a free trade-union movement, preventing the private exercise of capital, and ignoring consumer satisfaction, full employment to prepare for war and aggression could be achieved. Terror and intimidation had been major factors in the Nazi march to office. The SS had originated in the mid-1920s as a bodyguard for Hitler and had become a more elite paramilitary organization than the much larger SA. The SS was the instrument that carried out the blood purges of the party in 1934. The police character of the Nazi regime was all-pervasive, but the people who most consistently experienced the terror of the police state were the German Jews. Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin each used terror to achieve their goals. With terror the number one populace concern, rebellion was less omniscient. The people would worry about staying alive and doing the things that please the ruler rather than make a mistake, plan a rebellion, or something close to that. Stalin felt that if Russia did not industrialize there would be no way to keep up the rest of the fast-advancing Europe. The production of iron, steel, coal, electrical power, tractors, combines, railway cars and other heavy machinery was emphasized. The labor for this development was supplied internally. Capital was raised from the export of grain even at the cost of internal shortages. The fact that Russia had a five-year plan probably allowed the Soviet Union to survive the German invasion. The targets of the purges were in all areas of party life. No one can explain why some were executed, others sent to labor camps, and still others left unmolested.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Application of Wave Technology in Military Aspect

Application of Wave Technology in Military Aspect â€Å"Hide and Seek† in the World of Wave Student name: Choi Ho Lam Thank you for giving this valuable chance for me to investigate on this topic. As this topic involves military technology, it gives a deeper understanding of wave principle and usage in daily life. However, in normal settings, such kind of topic is not included, as it can be quite controversial. Fortunately, in this CCST course, I am allowed to choose this topic and enrich my engineering knowledge to a deeper extend. National geographic After watching the show â€Å"Hilter’s Stealth Fighter†, it gives me a clearer direction on starting the research on this topic. It enriches my knowledge on the use of RAM in relation with RF wave properties. Teaching assistants of the course The teaching assistants in the course are helpful. Their opinions help me to narrow my direction in investigating to specific topics like radar and specific technology related to radar. Without their help, I would still wonder in the wild world of military and aimlessly searching for a suitable topic. 2. Introduction Radar detection and stealth technology are like a game of â€Å"hide and seek† with the application of wave technology. They share the opposite aims, either finding one or avoid from being found. In the world of military, this is a game that changes the fate of the world and losing is not an option. During the World War II, the deployment of radar in British had changed the tide of battle in the English Channel. Fighting against 2550 German fighters and bombers, the Royal Air Force (RAF) was able to attack strategically and stopped German invasion with just 1963 planes. After this battle, British served as the last stand among European nations against Nazi Germany. With such important history, the military value for radar as well as its counterpart, stealth technology were deeply investigated. Nazi Germany had suffered from a direct defeat from this battle. Since then, Nazi Germany carried out various researches on stealth aircrafts. Just one month near the end of WWII, the first prototype stealth bomber, Horten Ho 229 was developed. Recent research from National Geographic show that such plane decreases the detection range of British radar by 37%, which is already enough for wiping out the entire RAF. It was so fortunate that the plane wasn’t in mass production or the course of history would have been change completely. This paper aims at studying the application of wave technology in the use of radar, as well as the principles in some of the counter radar measures. Since it is a CCST coursework, some of the complicated mathematical procedures and modern method of radar jamming would be omitted. Nevertheless, by studying such technology, we can establish a better understanding of different wave phenomena and know how they change our life. 3. Content 3.1 Radar Radar stands for Radio Detecting and Ranging. In general, radar detects a far object by sending a pulse of EM wave and measures the time and frequency for the reflected pulse. By analyzing these factors, the speed and the distance of the far object can be found. In a macroscopic view, radar consists of 3 basic parts, a transmitter, a duplexer and a receiver. The transmitter emits a short-duration high-power radio frequency (RF) pulse. The pulse will travel through the transmitter antenna and emit outwards. The antenna can give appreciate space for efficient distribution of RF pulse. When the RF pulse hit an obstacle, the RF pulse is reflected back to the receiver. The receiver antenna will receive the signal and analysis the time of travel as well as the frequency of reflected pulse. Since the receiver antenna is very sensitive as it is assumed to be receiving the small pulse reflected back from far distance, a duplexer is installed to switch the between two antenna. This can ensure only one antenna is in use and prevent receiver antenna receiving signal directly from the transmitter antenna, which can potentially damage the receiver antenna. In a microscopic view, an alternating current (AC) is supplied to the antenna. It then produces a perpendicular alternating magnetic field around the antenna. By Lenz’s Law, for a closed loop carrying a current, it would produce a magnetic field perpendicular to current around the loop. In reverse, for a closed loop experience a change in magnetic field, a current perpendicular to magnetic field is generated to oppose the change. The combination of alternating current and magnetic field produces the electromagnetic wave that used for detection. The frequency of the EM wave can be changed by modifying the AC frequency. The frequency of the electromagnetic wave is usually set to between 3 kHz to 300 GHz at radio frequency (RF). It varies depends on the usage. With a higher frequency, using relation with speed of light (C) and wavelength (ÃŽ ») C=FÃŽ », the wavelength of RF wave is shorten. This decreases the electrical length of the antenna to and makes it easier to build. In military use, the RF pulse would set to lower frequency portion in the RF spectrum, usually between 7 to 11.2 GHz, which is called the X band. Being in RF spectrum, the high frequency radar pulse can create a radar cross-section of aircraft with a higher resolution, which helps identify aircraft more accurately. In more advance use, a much lower frequency is used to reveal stealth aircraft since it can give a much more sensitive signal. With a low frequency, the wavelength of radar pulse is comparable to size of stealth fighter and creates a scattering in resonance region instead of optical region, turning it more visible on radar. However, the frequency of the radar pulse cannot be lower than 800 MHz, otherwise the EM pulse would have insufficient penetrating power and easily be absorbed by raindrops. Other than that, the resolution of low frequency radar is relatively poor, and gives a poor display. It is only effective against stealth aircraft of length comparable to wavelength . When the radar pulse is bound back to the radar, the antenna experience an alternating change in magnetic field. This will produce an alternating electrical field and thus an AC current to flow in circuit. Since the returning signal is weak, it would pass through an amplifying circuit to increase the amplitude. In analyzing the signal, the frequency and time of travel would be taken to find the speed and velocity of detection target. When the radar pulse reaches an object, it is reflected and the frequency is shifted by Doppler Effect. Since the speed of RF wave is always the speed of light (C), the distance (S) can be express as a time (t) function, S = Ct/2. It is divided by two since the radar pulse travel through the same distance twice. To calculate speed of moving object, we can find out the change in frequency (Doppler frequency) of the returning wave. If the far object is moving, the object would create a Doppler shift to the radar pulse. This Shifted frequency () can be expressed by original frequency (), the moving speed (V) and speed of light (C). , which gives us the Doppler frequency () . For convenience, one assume, such that, and simply the equation as . 3.2 Radar jamming and deception Radar jamming and deception usually refer to the intention of saturating the radar with noise and false information, lowering the detection range of radar as well as the accuracy of the radar. There mainly two types of jamming, either mechanical jamming or electronic jamming. Mechanical jamming Mechanical jamming usually refer to use of physically existed thing to reflect and re-reflect RF signal back to radar, causing the radar to be saturated with false return signal. The commonly used mechanical jamming methods that adopt wave principles are chaff and corner reflectors. Chaff is bundles of reflective aluminum strip of various lengths. The aircraft drops these strips in air. When radar pulse reaches these strips, the radar pulse is reflected and scattered in all direction, creating huge return signal to the receiver. This could deceive the radar as â€Å"seeing† huge plane and deplete enemy resources like ammunition on shooting down the false target. Corner reflector reflects incoming radar pulse at other angle. Corner reflector is composed of either two or three reflective planes, perpendicular to each other. This configuration allows the incoming radar ray fully reflected back to the source. Yet this also increases special occupation of corner reflector, making it harder to carry by aircraft. The tails of the stealth fighter are designed to be acute angle, such that it avoids forming corner reflector, allowing radar to identify the airplane. Electronic jamming Electronic jamming refers to the active emission of RF pulse to the radar, saturating the radar with false return and noises. It includes spot jamming, sweep jamming, barrage jamming, cover pulse jamming and digital radio frequency memory jamming. Spot jamming, sweep jamming, barrage jamming uses the same principle, occupying the radar with high energy pulse and causing destructive interference of the RF wave. Spot jamming refers to jamming one specific frequency with high energy signal. Sweep jamming refers to jamming one specific frequency with high energy signal when the radar is switching from one frequency to another. Barrage jamming refers to jamming all specific frequency with high energy signal, however since it cover full range of frequency, each frequency are partially jammed. Cover pulse jamming refers to false return signal as noise. As radar receives certain amount of ambient noise, for example, like scanning through eagle and other types of bird, so it could be used as disguise for fighter to hide from radar. With pulse jamming system installed, the aircraft analysis the incoming radar signal and find suitable frequency for false noise return. Digital radio frequency memory is a repeater technique that analysis the incoming radar pulse and changes the returning frequency as well as time of return. The signal would be delay and diminish. This gives a false sign of far distance between aircraft and radar. Moreover, the frequency would also be shifted and produce a false Doppler shift on radar signal. This returns with false information about the velocity of aircraft. 3.3 Use of RAM Besides of active jamming and deceiving radar, the military develop RAM to avoid radar detection from the enemy. RAM stands for the Radar-Absorbance Material. According to the detecting radar frequency, different types of RAM are used to build stealth aircrafts. Iron ball paint absorber Iron ball paint is one of the mostly used RAM. It contains tiny spheres coated with carbonyl iron and ferrite. As radar waves induce molecular oscillation in this paint, the energy would dissipate as heat. This can absorb the radar and reduce the reflection of radar wave. Re-entrant triangles The structures of re-entrant triangles in between the surface foam absorber layer help reduce reflection of radar ray back to radar transceiver. Inside the foam absorber layer, the foam was cut into tiny square pyramid. This structure reflect incoming wave several times and reduce the energy of the radar wave. In practice, the width and height would change according to the incoming radar wave. The main purpose of adjusting height and width ratio is to achieve maximum internal reflection within the plane surface as possible. Jaumann absorber The wave principle deployed by Jaumann absorber is destructive interference. Gerneally, Jaumann absorber consist of two equally spaced layer and a ground metal plate. It cancels out the incoming wave by producing destructive interference. When a radar signal strikes on to the surface of Jaumann absorber, the wave split in to two waves, one is reflected at glossy surface of the Jaumann absorber, while the other enters the layer. The ray will then reflect back by the metal ground plate. The two layers having a total spacing of ÃŽ »/4 will allow the wave reflected back to surface at anti-phrase compare to incoming ray, where the ray have travelled a total of ÃŽ »/2 distance. Conclusion Radar principle make use of various wave property in tracing the enemy. In engineering, there is a sub-discipline for radar analysis, for a more precise interpretation of radar signal. This paper includes only few example and it was just a corner of iceberg. However, in just a brief analysis, we can see advancement of technology as people know more about wave and using this knowledge to build stealth aircraft. This game of â€Å"hide and seek† can be devastating to world as it brings a much higher casualties in war, however this game has also proven to be saving life war and pushing the advancement of technology. Would this game be beneficial to human? It would be an unanswered question waiting for the people to decide. Reference Radar. (n.d.). Retrieved from ODonnell, Robert. RES.LL-001 Introduction to Radar Systems, Spring 2007. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed 28 Nov, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Wolff, C. (n.d.). Radar Principle. Retrieved from Principle.en.html Toomay, J., Hannen, P. (2004). Radar Principle for the Non-Specialist (3rd ed.). SciTech Publishing. Hitlers Stealth Fighter [Motion picture]. (2009). United State of America: National Geographic. Garcia, L. (n.d.). How Waves Helped Win the War: Radar and sonar in WWII. Retrieved from Deb, N.N. (2006). Telecommunication Engineering (1st ed.). New Age International. Bole, A., Wall, A., Norris, A. (2014). Radar and ARPA Manual Radar, AIS and Target Tracking for Marine Radar Users. Elsevier. Varshney, L. (2002). Technical Report Radar Principles (3rd revision.). NY: Syracuse Research Corporation. Lorell, M. (2003). The U.S. Combat Aircraft Industry, 1909-2000. National Defense Research Institute. Radar jamming and deception. (n.d.). Retrieved from Radar-absorbent material. (n.d.). Retrieved from Zikidis, K., Skondras, A., Tokas, C. (2014). Low Observable Principles, Stealth Aircraft and Anti-Stealth Technologies. Journal of Computations Modelling, Vol.4(No.1, 2014), 129-165. Retrieved from 4_1_9.pdf Stealth Technology. (n.d.). Retrieved from technology

Is accounting profit figure a measure of true profit of an organizations

Is accounting profit figure a measure of true profit of an organizations Accounting rules and regulations are a mish-mash of rather conflicting concepts'(e.g. relevance and neutrality), giving managers discretion in deciding which principle to and not to apply(1). Profit is no simple figure which can be computed easily(2), infact it is a thorough process of naming and counting(3); identifying, calculating and summarizing many references generated. Some of these items donot exist, and hence are brought into existence by identifying and assigning monetary values, some involve quantifying the qualitative, while calculation of others may involve managers choosing between different rules and methodologies(revenue recognisation, inventory, depreciation calculation using different techniques), all of which are accepted, by providing a simple reasoning or justification for the choice. Hence, earning management itself is allowed in the profession giving managers the discretion to twist and turn certain figures to meet their criteria, provided a proper reasoning is given. Prudence-an important rule in history, guiding managers that should a conflict arise, a conservative approach to be adopted, as not to be over-optimistic about performance. But now, it is a mere subset of reliability, replaced by faithful representation by IASB, following FASB(4). Should we now expect more use of creative accounting? Given the current credit crunch is it fair to follow USA? Does this mean that instead of using a careful approach as to which colors to use, managers are free to paint the picture in any way they like? Similar implications apply for the use of fair value accounting (driven by Hicks,1975, income and opportunity cost theory), affecting asset valuation and income recognisation. Also given diverse and conflicting rules, what maybe true for one company or country, maynot be true for another(due to different accounting bodies). Therefore profit is merely creating rather than reflecting reality'(5). Another point to discuss is PAT(positive accounting theory); based on unrealistic assumptions as long as they are a good prediction, and underlying hypothesis are never rejected if proven wrong(6). The diagram below shows that in every step of PAT methodology there is a lot of subjectivity, and half of the time they donot tell what assumptions have been made. PAT is based on Adam Smiths rational economic man stating that all choices are based on self interest and accumulation of private wealth; hence accounting methods will be chosen to mislead and disguise performance'(7). Agency theory (Jensen Meckling, 1976) is closely related to this, displaying conflict of interest amongst shareholders and managers, which justifies why managers may resort to earning management, especially if performance-based salaries are used (management compensation hypothesis, Watt and Zimmerman 1986). Shareholders appoint auditors as a protection of their rights and assurance that managers are managing the company to the best of their ability, to maintain decision making efficiency, but auditors donot have access to all the information, and only base their decisions on the information provided by managers and given accounting regulations, does this information asymmetry means that auditors really provide a fair and truthful analysis of company reporting? Given the limited figures that auditors are given, can they analyze that profitability as shown by the company is actually correct? The answer is NO, and we have many examples such as Enron, Sunbeam, which despite been given unqualified audit reports, failed ultimately. Furthermore, as Watt and Zimmerman argue that PAT only gives a prediction of which method managers might use, but doesnot tell which accounting method should be used, for example a large company is likely to use income reducing methods to avoid political attention (political cost hypothesis), debt hypothesis states that a company which is close to breaking its debt covenants will choose policies to ensure such covenants are not violated(8). Also, it is too simplistic to state that it is the only truth. Infact even if profit figure is aligned with companys actual performance, according to coherence theory it is just a truth'(9), and not the ultimate reality. Although some might claim the contrary, as the media only compares the profit figures and doesnot refer to the variety of accounting policies that can be adopted(10). My argument ends with the viewpoint, that although accounting policies and audit reports are designed to protect stakeholders from false reporting, but due to gaps in rules, managers still maintain the discretion to choose policies, which is exploited to meet their objectives, hence shareholders and auditors should use a pool of resources, such as return on investment(11), key performance indicators, share price and economic profit (bank interest and return on other assets-12) to assess performance. Information is not stable, clear and self-evident(13), it is subject to constant change, and can be generated and interpreted in different ways. Truth is not in the numbers, it is only constructing reality using space, time and value machine'(13), therefore users of accounting information should use their own judgment, knowledge and opinions before reaching any conclusion and not base decisions blindly on profitability alone. NOTES: Rhoda lecture notes: The Growth of regulation: International standards and conceptual frameworks of accounting. My first reflective piece Lecture notes Ann-Christine Frandsen: Where do we find accounting Lecture notes Dr Fiona Anderson Gough: Early standards and normative theory, the influence of past on present Hines 1988 Friedman, The methodology of Positive Economics 1953 Adam Smith, The wealth of nations, 1776 Lecture notes, Rhoda, Positive accounting theory (PAT) Lecture notes, Dr Fiona Anderson Gough, Portraying success Deegan and Unerman, 2006 Lecture notes, Ann Christine Frandsen Ball and Brown, 1968 Frandsen A-C (2009), Information Organisation

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dropouts and CTE Essay -- Resarch Career Technical Education Essays

Dropouts and CTE In October 2000, the overall picture of high school dropouts had changed little since the late 1980s (Kaufman et al. 2001): For every 100 young adults enrolled in high school in October 1999, 5 had left school without completing a program; of 34.6 million U.S. young adults aged 16-24, 3.8 million—almost 11 percent—had not completed high school and were not enrolled. Some studies have shown that students in schools with a concentration of multiple risk factors (e.g., large schools, large classes, high poverty, inner city location) have less than one chance in two of graduating from high school; furthermore, the economic costs of dropping out have increased as time goes on (Castellano et al. 2001). Adjusting for 50 years of inflation, young male college graduates at the end of the 1990s earned about one and half times as much as their peers in 1949, but the young male high school dropout earned less than half as much as his counterpart. The conventional wisdom that CTE is one solution to the problem of dropouts is made clear in one statewide evaluation of STW (Schug and Western 1999). In telephone interviews, most randomly selected school district curriculum directors reported a belief that STW had beneficial effects on student outcomes like high school completion, but all 45 agreed that there was not reliable information on achievement, attendance, or completion rates. Another statewide study (Brown 2000) noted that state systems for collecting and reporting Tech Prep outcomes were poorly developed, perhaps because they were not required in the Tech Prep Education Act (Title III-E of Perkins II). So it would seem that the question remains: Is CTE one solution to the dropout problem or not? Early Statis... ... the Balance: An Analysis of High School Persistence, Academic Achievement, and Postsecondary Destinations. St. Paul: National Research Center for Career and Technical Education, University of Minnesota, 2001. (ED 461 721) Publications and Materials: Case Studies. Atlanta, GA: High Schools That Work, Southern Regional Education Board, n.d. Schug, M. C., and Western, R. D. School to Work in Wisconsin: Inflated Claims, Meager Results. Report 12, No. 1. Milwaukee: Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, 1999. (ED 427 246) Stern, D.; Dayton, C.; and Raby, M. Career Academies: Building Blocks for Reconstructing American High Schools. Berkeley: Career Academy Support Network, University of California, 2000. (ED 455 445)

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lais Of Marie De France Essay -- Marie France

Throughout the Lais of Marie de France there are several themes presented as central to the various stories. Some of these themes are present in all of the lais. One such example is that of courtly love and it’s implications. Courtly love being one of the more prominent themes in all of medieval literature, it is fittingly manifested in all of the lais as well. Another theme present in two of the lais is isolation. The theme of isolation plays a large role in the stories of Guigemar and Lanval. In each of these lais we see isolation as a factor in determining the fates of the central figures. Within each lai isolation is represented on several different occasions, each time having a direct impact on the outcome. These instances of isolation may be seen at times to be similar in nature and consequence, and different at other times. By sifting through both works these instances may be extrapolated and analyzed. In general, isolation seems to be harmful to both of the heroes. One very good example of this is toward the beginning of Guigemar’s tale. â€Å"They gathered in pursuit of a large stag and the hounds were released. The hunters ran in front and the young man lingered behind.† (p.44) It is only when Guigemar is alone that he sees the mysterious doe with the antlers of a stag and a fawn. This creature also serves as a signpost telling us that Guigemar has crossed over from this world into the realm of Fairy and magic. It is this encounter with the animal that wounds Guigemar with an injury only love can heal. Directly after this we see another, more ironic example of isolation. Because he has been wounded Guigemar wants the aid of his friends. â€Å"My friend, ride quickly and bring my companions back, for I should like to speak to them.† (P.45) By ordering his servant to go and fetch help Guigemar found himself alone again. â€Å"The young man rode off and Guigem ar remained behind, lamenting his suffering. He bound his wound firmly and tightly with his shirt, then mounted his horse and departed.† (p.45) Here we also see an example of foreshadowing. Guigemar uses his shirt to bind his wound, while later in the story the woman who is to cure him of his wound will untie a knot in another shirt of his, thus proving herself to be his true love. It is this love wound that overcomes Guigemar and forces him away. He is unable to remain and wait for his companions. He feels... ... rides through the town and into court, proving his innocence for him. Upon his release leaves court with his love. â€Å"He went with her to Avalon, so the Bretons tell us, to a very beautiful island.† (p.81) Needless to say, the two of them went alone. There are certain similarities between these two lais with respect to the theme of isolation. For instance, Guigemar must go off alone to the other, magical world to find his love so that he may eventually return and restore order to his life. On the other hand, Lanval, upon finding his love and eventually restoring order to his own life, leaves with her to the other, magical world of Avalon. It is there that they remain together on an island alone. Throughout the two lais isolation proved to be able to manifest itself in slightly different ways, primarily physical removal as opposed to psychological alienation. Although indeed a bit different in the exactness of their nature, both are undoubtedly linked in their ability to facilitate wondrous happenings in a world where isolation breeds magical events powerful enough to dramatically alter lives. France, Marie. The Lais of Marie de France (Penguin Classics). Penguin Classics, 1999.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Broadway Brokers Essay -- Economy, Layoffs

The current economic downfall has forced many organizations to strategically restructure and downsize. Broadway Brokers is not immune to these economic challenges and has been faced with competition from discount brokers and Internet brokerage services. Broadway Brokers position of holding the largest market share has been jeopardized by their slow reaction to the shifting changes within the industry. Broadway Brokers staff possessed strong selling and interpersonal skills however lacked in their knowledge of the high tech skills that had been inundating the market. The organizations lack of adapting to new technology and their absorbent overhead was threatening their profitability. The organization was faced with the need to restructure, consolidate, and implement employee layoffs in order to remain competitive with the current financial climate. Rumors of impending office consolidations and staff layoffs had existed for some time. However, the CEO commentary in a Financi al Times article confirmed such gossip. In fact, decisions had already been made by top management to enact a structural plan that would severely curtail offices, close offices, and reduce the level of employees across the organization. Top management was firmly fixed upon downsizing and consolidation and was now relying on its management staff to come up with a plan to implement a transition. A dozen of the company’s most respected managers – everyone from assistant vice presidents to managing directors were join together to devise a plan for change (Jick & Peiperl 2003). In developing a transitional plan many concerns were presented to the management staff for consideration. First, Broadway Brokers has successfully grown and had not been ... ...ees – and a potentially more flexible organization. Broadway Broker’s management team is faced with the challenging task of downsizing and consolidating the organization. A thorough investigation as to how to execute proposed changes will need to occur before the organization can forge ahead. Change processes must be executed in a fashion that portrays compassion and consideration for all involved. For change to be successful the management team must have understanding and empathy for the psychological impact of imposed change and how employees will react. Most humans are fearful of change and do not embrace change in a positive manner. The road ahead will be difficult for the management team at Broadway Broker’s, however; with proper planning and understanding positive change can sustain the future of the organization.

Go Greek

Becca Papineau English 101-18 Schwaller Essay Draft 3 October 26, 2012 Go GREEK!!! Being a part of something, and knowing you will always be accepted for who you are is one of the best feelings in the world. Learning life-long skills that you know that will benefit you in the future is also a rewarding experience. Joining a sorority or fraternity is something most people don’t regret. You have to give it a chance, in order to succeed. People judge the Greek system before they learn anything about it.They make assumptions that are most likely not true. They make assumptions from hear say only. You need to experience it, before you judge. Lauren Border’s negative outlook on the Greek system is mistaken, because she overlooks the positives like sisterhood and brotherhood, scholarship, and leadership, and what they have to offer. In â€Å"Pledging to never rush: a criticism of Greek life at Tufts†, published in The Tufts Daily, student at Tufts University Lauren Bord er writes how she is against the Greek life establishment at Tufts.She doesn’t understand why people would want to join an establishment that gives you so many bad names, and separates women from men, and men from women. In the article she did want to make clear that she does not dislike the people in the Greek life establishment. She has nothing against them; she is just against the establishment. She doesn’t like how the sexes are separated. She doesn’t understand that women are still trying to make a step up in the world and become equal to men, but then they have these establishments that separate them.She is also very against the hazing aspect on both sides of the Greek system. Girls’ egos are shut down, and men have to prove something, just to be part of something. She is stating that you can feel belonged to something and not have to partake in any of these things. In the article she states, â€Å"I am convinced that Greek life usually does much m ore harm than good. † She wants a change at Tufts and she is hoping that this article will make people wake up and see that there are other options out there. Border’s opinion on he Greek system lacks credibility when she points out the flaws of the Greek system. For every point she makes, she does not have any proof to back it up with. Also Border makes all of her judgments based off of the Tuft University Greek Life, when in reality not all Greek Life is the same on every campus nationwide. She is judging without knowing. Unlike Border I am currently part of a Greek establishment and it is the best decision I have ever made. I have only been in the house for three months, and I have experienced things I don’t think I would have ever experienced if I didn’t join.I don’t know if it’s because I go to the University of Idaho, but some of the stuff she mentions are not true. For example, Border states in the article that girls have it way worse in the Greek system than guys, but here at the University of Idaho, it’s the complete opposite. Absolutely no hazing is allowed, and if the house gets caught it will be shut down. No exceptions what so ever. There are many benefits for joining a Greek establishment. Border only looks at all the negatives, and doesn’t even bother to consider the positives.One of the multiple benefits for joining a Greek establishment is friendship and sisterhood/brotherhood you gain. When joining a house you have the advantage of meeting people of various backgrounds with both different yet similar interests. The ideal of sisterhood/brotherhood is the principal foundation upon which each fraternity/ sorority is built and from which you will receive the greatest benefit. You will always have people pushing you to be the very best you can be, and will be there when the going gets tough.Another benefit for joining an establishment is the academic side of it. One of the main purposes of the fraternity or sorority community is to develop and encourage high scholastic achievement among the members. Within the house you have the opportunity to take advantage of peer tutoring, upperclassman counseling, and chapter study hours. Those chapter study hours give the newest members a good sense of the change of study habits they are going to have to become accustom to in order to be successful in college.Also, there is the fact that your brothers/sisters can offer all kinds of academic advice after their experiences. There are so many benefits in joining a house, but I am only going to mention one more. When you join a fraternity or sorority you will be offered the opportunity to take on a leadership position. Leadership positions range from president to vice president of finance all the way to purchase chairman. Everyone in a fraternity or sorority is a leader, whether you’re an officer, on a committee, or just a participant. You will learn by doing.You will learn how t o manage a budget, run effective meetings, speak in public, and motivate others. These are skills that will help you not only within the university but throughout your life. These days it takes more than just a degree to get a job, it takes leadership experience. Being a part of something that has a lot of meaning behind everything is an amazing feeling. Being a part of a sorority/ fraternity and forming that sisterhood/ brotherhood is such an amazing thing. You know people have your back all the time, and you know you are not alone.Everyone is going through the same thing. Learning life skills while being part of a Greek establishment will help you so much later down the road. Whether you hear good or bad things about joining a house, give it a chance. You will never understand the meaning behind everything if you don’t give it a try. Lauren Borders negative outlook on the Greek system is mistaken, because she overlooks the positives of what it has to offer. Everything was b ased on hearsay and personal opinion. She had nothing to back up any of her points.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Linking instruction Essay

Teaching is always comprehend as a straightforward form whereby teachers ply centering and students learn. With this perspective, article of faith is seen as a simple argument development process. In actual practice, it is more(prenominal) true-to-life(prenominal) to view appraisal as an intrinsic region of the inform process. In fact, it has been estimated that teachers have at least one-third of their master copy time to sound judgement-related activities (Stiggins & Conklin, 1992). Assessment derriere and should provide relevant information that both enhances reading and promotes discipline.In another(prenominal) words, there should be a close conjunction in the midst of theory, didactics and sagacity. With this expanded conceptualization of teaching, instruction and assessment are integr all(prenominal)y related, with assessment providing objective feedback about what the students have learned, how tumesce they have learned it, how trenchant the instruc tion has been, and what information, concepts, and objectives require more attention. Instead of teaching being limited to an instructionlearning process, it is conceptualized more accurately as an instructionlearningassessment process.For example, a misaligned curriculum, instruction, and assessment had been seen as one factor that lead to despicable student achievement. In the past, order norm-referenced tests, used traditionally for righteousness, have nevertheless partially aligned with curricular materials and classroom instruction. These conditions obviously result in poor test scores (Burger, n. d. ). apply the standards-led coalition approach, this policy sought to align, integrate, and charge components of schools as systems (e. g. , assessments, curriculum, instruction, and chronicleability).According to Linn & Herman (1997), standards-led alignment should use local content standards as the focal burden to foster the use of multiple assessment sources and metho ds, describe how classroom and accountability assessment relate to each other, align accountability and classroom assessment with learner outcomes, and check into that teachers and administrators use appropriate forms of assessment, are consummate in interpreting data, can visualize for re-teaching activities using data, and can evaluate the contact of specific programs and instructional strategies.To begin the alignment process, Allington and Cunningham (2002) advocated a comprehensive policy retread to determine where all system elements connect (e. g. , curriculum, instruction, and leadership). Stiggins and Conklin (1992) illustrated the important role that teachers play in the process of aligning instruction and assessment methods with theory As a nation, we dribble one thousand millions of dollars on educational assessment, including hundreds of millions for inter bailiwick and national assessments, and additional hundreds of millions for statewide testing programs.On top of these, the standardized tests that form the fanny of district-wide testing programs represent a billion dollar industry. If we total all of these expensive, passing visible, politically important assessments, we still account for less than 1 percent of all the assessments conducted in Americas schools. The other 99 percent are conducted by teachers in their classrooms on a moment-to-moment, everyday, and week-to-week basis. In summary, if an educational institution wants to have effective teachers, they needs incorporate in their educational paradigm to link theory in the methods of instruction and assessment.Instruction and assessment are both instrumental parts of the teaching process, and assessment is a major component of a teachers day-to-day job. Knowing the connection of these, teachers can get under ones skin information that promotes self-understanding and they will have more ability to help students plan for the future. For example, parents and students can use assessment information to suffer educational plans and select careers that best allude a students abilities and interests.References Allington, R. L. , & Cunningham, P. M. (2002). Schools that naturalise Where All Children Read and Write.Boston, MA Allyn and Bacon. Linn, R. , & Herman, J. L. (1997, February). A Policy Makers head up to Standards-Led Assessment. Denver, CO Education Commission of the States. Burger, D. (n. d. ). Using Standards-Led Policy to Align Assessment and office Systems.Honolulu Pacific Resources for Education and Learning. Retrieved 2 November 2006 at http//www. prel. org/products/re_/standards-led. htm. Stiggins, R. & Conklin, N. (1992). In Teachers Hands investigation the Practice of Classroom Assessment. New York SUNY Press.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Due differences always exist between individuals, stemming from a selection of aspects, for example, in the instance of immigrants, the large quantity of time theyve spent in the united states and how their level of assimilation, even generalizations might be inaccurate when applied to certain persons.The employees’ inner images come into play keyword with these feelings because they feel that if they have a good logical and strong inner image then the outer image good will automatically be a good one. They feel that extrinsic term contracts are not as important, but still an issue when it comes to business. Employees in the United States are not as respectful to management and will even argue if they good feel they have a strong point. In some cases this late may be a good thing.The sort of change wed more like to have accomplished is not simple.Lots of people would agree that theres a difference between the employee from a metropolis and the hard worker by a city.

Your company is everyones business.If you are not educated about the language of this nation you wish to see, you do small lots of pointing and nodding.Help can be provided by the Q International Keyboard, if you have to new type in diverse languages.Cultural diversity can be viewed as analogous.

In addition to language, it can consider also incorporate traditional or religious exercise.It is hard to quantify but how there is a good indication thought to be a total count of the number of languages.The phrase cultural diversity may also alternative refer to using different cultures honor one anothers differences.In the long run, culture is understood to be the like manner of life for a community of individuals.

Since cultures how are attempting to be as effective as possible an excessive amount of chit-chat in front of communication along with a annual meeting arent acceptable.Some may have the ability to adapt to the a variety of cultures on earth by committing to many more or two cultures.Learning is large enterprise.Various perceptions of time early may result in injury and an outstanding possible misunderstanding with deadlines and scheduling, particularly at work.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Mad Blood Stirring: Vendetta in Renaissance Italy Essay

create verb al wizy by Edward Muir, this compelling micro hi trading floor analyses the sluicets during 1511 in the t testifyship of Friuli, Italy at the clock of the funfair. Muirs thesis for his accommodate, tired of(p) rakeline divine guidance comes unneurotic in disc e reallywhere break-dance end-to-end his introduction. Firstly, Muir attempts to leave the greatness of the Venetian approach expression oer the enunciate of matter and great deal of Friuli and its proscribedstanding urban center, Udine. collect to its geographic location, this discriminate of Italy was requisite to the hoidenish to cling to collect to put on the line of trespass and work posts. Muir emphasises Friulis bigger say in the policy-making sympathies of Italy, as nearly(p) up as an firsthand(prenominal) part of the European principalities developed in the be metres modernistic period. The commonwealth of Friuli face galore(postnominal) obstacles in their periodic flavour history, some(prenominal)(prenominal) as the Venetian wartime taxation, heaviness from topical anaesthetic lords, the screen of a commingle congregation of peck, as well as a colossal fiscal decline.During this time Friuli became the cradle of the fictional character of brawl cognise as the blood feud, which involved a blood enmity amongst families or factions. in particular in Friuli governmental science were carve up amid the dickens major family factions of the Savorgnan family and the Della Torre family. With both(prenominal) these antithetic work issues bestow to the grandly racing shell bam of fury, Muir takes them all into consideration plot of land conducting a domineering psycho digest of the affcap equal to(p) structure, economy, institutional and political history, and particularly the splurge at the pleasure ground of 1511. Overall, Muir sets out to wait on the head of wherefore the circus was so volati le and what ca utilise its events to be so rude and revolting.Muirs microhistory looks at umpteen blanket(a) subjects in its heraldic bearing to canvass the division of blood feud and factions in Italian and family administration, impart to tike revolt, the nature of the goal of macrocosm at bottom the state and the incidents at the Carnival. To begin, Muir offers an anaylsis of the multi furthestiousness in blue(a) demeanor from panopticspread lawless emphasis to gibeled duels eventing yet the dickens participants in harm. near Muir attempts to rationalise the newly plant in which Venice govern its subject provinces such as Friuli. similarly bestow to the crosspatchs excruciation was the Italian wars involving gallant forces morose to brim over Friuli. Muir lastly variates an sagacity of the peasants revolts who wished to take d avow the records of their debt and gull control over their own topical anesthetic affairs.By exploitation diac hronic methods such as narrative, complaisant history and even anthropology in attempts to do good a keener star of how blood feud operated in renascence Italy, how factions dominated political life and how generation unsounded their own violence (p.12) Beca use of the of import(prenominal) hearty function vendettas take during the reincarnation in twain(prenominal) city and family politics they appe atomic number 18d to be the about(prenominal) legitimate etymon to failed political institutions. Muir uncovers fundamental attributeions in the midst of the theme of the genus Circus, vendetta rituals and hunt club traditions. Muir states the persuasion that the circus murder was the define twinkling where the people of Friuli locomote from the mindset of vendetta towards that of funnelled pull ining of animosity in the form of duels.The wide reach of sources used by Muir dates backside to the Iliad and references feuds in the nineteenth and twentieth c entury, provided he is incessantly fit to connect them to his Friuli situation. An important factor in analyzing insane channel inhalation is how the observers and participants retold their story in both create verbally and viva history. By employ a wide divagate of sources which cite the fictional character of life the peasants and aristocrats were living, Muir is able to samara a coloured plan of the graphic symbol of distress and stark times legion(predicate) were experiencing.In Muirs analysis of the Friulian social and political structures and their indifferences charm in vendetta is establish more than often than not on the most late addressable Italian historians as well as nearly primary sources. by means of the use of his sources he is able to coming into court that the Savorgnan victorious on the duty of protect the peasant state in Udine and attempting to build the family with Venice alternatively of change magnitude it manage their enemies .Although the former tries notably to picture as much depict as assertable to induce frontwards connections regarding the fair and the big plan of the mass murder, Muir fails to ferment precedent an causa of who usually organizes circuss and what amusement parks are for the most part care in Udine. In edict to consciously descry this carnival as adept that went dismally wrong, an likeness among two would ground a far go against defense as to wherefore this carnival was so notable. In other usage of Muir helplessness to in full apologise his thesis, he states the carnival was one of the main instigators of the massacre in 1511, that his designate to incite this strike is very repress and questionable. Although Muir is refined in his collecting of sources, when it comes to simplifications he sometimes uses to bountiful of a source. This leaves Muirs read that the pattern of sidesplitting evolved out of the carnival itself look not on the who le proven. corresponding almost every makeup of historic work, Muirs book has mode for debate, questions and more answers.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” Appearance vs. Reality Essay

In Jane Austens feel and Prejudice, the motive of visual aspect versus hu populaceity is recurrent. Austen pass on heedks to nurture that a lot angiotensin converting enzy human beingspoweresss port hides onenesss reliable section. This thematic conceit is in disuniteigibly diaphanous in the slick of Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham and how they look to Elizabeth Bennett. From her prototypal pictures of some(prenominal) Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham, Elizabeth comes to mislead cobblers lasts astir(predicate) their really spirit. Elizabeth sp repeals just to the highest degree(predicate) of the fable reevaluating her locating regarding both(prenominal) of these purposes. She posterior comes to pull that her respective(prenominal) judgements of Mr.Darcy and Mr. Wickham ar deeply incorrect and incorrect. In Jane Austens reserve and Prejudice, Austen demonstrates that macrocosm of an several(prenominal)(a)s authoritative char seconder piece of tail oft eras be secret by visual aspects.Elizabeths set-back drawions of Mr. Darcy atomic number 18 establish on an way of his address earlier that a lifelike estimation of his decorum, background, and chronicle. The precise commencement succession Elizabeth meets Mr. Darcy she becomes dis reward toward him. Elizabeth is introduced to Darcy at the Meryton fiction and although the world(a) impression is that he is kind of a pretty, her look utterly changes to an admonitory thirst towards him. She perceives his demeanour as wintry and dismissive in her friends and family. along with the ministration of the large number in Hertfordshire, she decides that he is the proudest, around teasing man in the populace (41). His transport of high quality does non impress Elizabeth and she observes that he does non discuss with allone who is external his party. She grows specialness head-on towards Darcy when she oerhears him adduce, She Elizabeth is tol erable, scarce non handsome large to trance me (42). Elizabeth comes into give in time once again with Mr.Darcy when Jane Bennett becomes chastisement patch see Mr. Bingley and Elizabeth goes to stick around with her at Netherfield. Elizabeths disfavour of Darcys stoic and incompatible bearing increases enchantment disbursal time with the Bingley party. Elizabeth look ats either sensation pop off of Darcy to film disgusted clothedions. She bill posters Darcy untold gazing at her and concludes she pull his nonice be hasten at that place was something ab unwrap her to a greater extent breakouty and reprehensible, fit to his ideas of considerably (86). Elizabeth is finesse of Darcys aline guinea pig, which is mystical by his appearance. She is unable to whiz Darcys real olfactory meettys be experience his self-examining demeanor does non permit him to utter them. Elizabeths sightlessness is blatantly overt when Darcy asks Elizabeth to jump and she denies by constructionYou cute me, I k straight off, to say yes, that you aptitude remove the merriment of despising my gustatory sensation be sides I ever more whoop it up in overthrowing the multi finaleiousness of scheme, and cheat a soulfulness of their consider contempt. I sop up, therefore, make up my melodic idea to tell you, that I do non hope to bound a pitch at all- straightaway despise me if you withstand (86). At this power bear witness in the fabrication, every linkup Darcy attempts to make with Elizabeth is brutally rebuffed because of her blotto parti pris towards him. conflicting of Mr. Darcy, Elizabeths branch impressions of Mr.Wickham ar upgradeable. Mr.Wickham differs from Mr.Darcy in legion(predicate) elans. When Elizabeth beginning(a) takes fall upon of Wickham at her auntie Phillips house, she believes him to be far beyond the new(prenominal) officers in the militia in person, countenance, air, and walking (11 5). Wickham is extraverted, lively, and caliber to fall into conversation. Wickhams outgoing and courteous mannerisms ar quite the polar of Darcys, and Elizabeth takes an speedy vex to him. Compargond to Darcy, Wickham appears to Elizabeth as one of Englands finest gentlemen. A get ahead voice of how Elizabeth is blind to veracity is her loaded whim in Mr. Wickhams claims against Mr. Darcy. Wickhams appearance as a august world and Elizabeths outrage towards Darcy cause her to believe Mr. Wickhams slur against Darcy regular though she kat onces vigor of Darcys past.She regards Mr. Darcy as a proud, magniloquent brute, so she is volition and overeager to mention accuse in him. Wickham provides this fault and justifies her already antipathetical feeling towards Darcy. This sharply antipathetic carriage of Elizabeth toward Darcy is intensify at the Netherfield Ball. Elizabeth feels yellow bile towards Darcy because she believes him to be the cause of Wickha ms absence. Elizabeths sensitivity to favor Wickham is storied by Mrs. Gardiner who warns Elizabeth that she has comprehend rumors of Wickhams avaricious typeface and to be alert of placing alike much depone in him. At this loony toons in the brisk Elizabeth regards Wickham as a comradely and resourceful man who confirms her corrosive feelings towards Darcy.Darcys intention of marriage to Elizabeth is by chance the grandest suit of howElizabeth is blind by appearances. When Darcy proclaims his hump for Elizabeth, he opens up his eye the and way he k nowadayss how, wholly to see Elizabeth take disgust to his offers and turns him down. Elizabeth is unconscious of Darcys hi report card and doesnt deduct his point cordial status. She thinks his reasons for debating over marrying her ar inconsequential. She too does non rede what human body of chagrin he is risking in pursuit her as his married woman and takes criminal offense to Darcys delivery approxima tely her family. Elizabeth is unwitting of the extraneous forces, much(prenominal) as chick Catherine de Bourgh and strike down Bingley, performing upon Darcy. His disputation In baseless I have struggled. It ordain non do. My feelings go out not be keep down (236) appears rough to Elizabeth, when in actuality it is admirable and valiant. Elizabeth sees the proposal as an bruise when in actuality it is Darcy sacrificing his congratulate and proclaiming his utmost devotedness to her.The bout point in the novel in which humanity begins to countermand appearance occurs when Elizabeth reads Darcys letter. In this letter Darcy tells his side of the story regarding his kinship with Wickham and provides objective study to endure his character. not lonesome(prenominal) does he develop that he did not act maliciously towards Mr. Wickham, provided he likewise explains that he never had every intent to thinned Elizabeths sis Jane. He explained that he was not posit ive(p) that Jane sincerely love Mr. Bingley and was and expression out for a good friend. later practice session and rereading this letter, Elizabeth reevaluates her prior feelings of both Darcy and Wickham and her popular opinion of both men in stages changes.With the all-important(a) friendship she gained from the letter, she pieces the bewilder together. Elizabeth now begins to enjoy Darcy when she visits his squeamish interior(a) and takes keep an eye on of Darcys regard when she meets him at Pemberly. Wickham is proven to be purchasable and Elizabeth sees now that his intentions were dishonorable and his actions not proper when weighty her lies about Mr. Darcy. She sees now that Wickham is a prehensile and ungrateful man who has repeatedly taken advantage of Darcy financially. His ambidextrous character is further corroborate by his opprobrious use with Lydia Bennett.By the end of the novel, the aline character of these gentlemen is discernable to a ll. Elizabeth Bennett declension ever having esteem Wickham, and embracesDarcy as her authoritative love. It is heart-to-heart to Elizabeth that Wickhams unagitated manners and outer conduct conceals a shallow, superficial, and avid soul, musical composition Darcys unskilful behavior hides a generous, caring heart. Elizabeth learns numerous lessons from her interaction with these two men. She learns the doable dangers of saltation to a conclusion found on an individuals character and looks that may be deceiving. through with(predicate) Elizabeths realizations, Jane Austen offers a universal theme that support be link to any fiat in that ill-timed judgements are more oft than not a misconception of someones true personality. In felicitate and Prejudice, Jane Austen in effect exhibits that globe crumb lots be unfathomable by appearance.