Sunday, July 28, 2019

Places and Spaces in Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Places and Spaces in Art - Essay Example However, using several media effects, the images at times appear to be a bit artificial in form. The forms and figures becomes a little brighter than the works based upon pure manual work of art. Although this is the case, it is still obvious that even though media effects are incorporated within the art pieces, the message is still clearly sent to the viewers of the painted art. Meanwhile, the explosion of creative genius ideas on art characterizes High Renaissance Style. This style has been used through the stretch of years from 1450-1520. Now, the same style is being redeveloped along with the mixture of painting style with the latest media effects available through technology and computer application. The High Renaissance Style is known for its technical competence and its rich artistic presentation of imaginative design. The heroic composition of the images presented through this style is indeed shown through the use of harmony and balance of the figures featured through the produced artistic pieces. To have a better understanding of the artistic styles and presentations mentioned above, two of the most widely known art pieces, which have been revised and repainted by many painters on their own version, shall be examined. For the International Gothic Style, The Coronation of The Virgin painted by Gentile de Fabriano shall be observed as to how the figur es of its presentation where shown in connection with the message of the art work. For the High Renaissance Style, the version of Madonna ad Child by Lorenzo Di Credi shall be examined as well. The Elements of Creative Art Both paintings created by the painters mentioned above have their own characteristics that depicts the message each painter wants to send the viewing public. The following re the elements of art and painting that contributes to the said matter of concern. Hence, both paintings shall be analyzed as to how they are able to convey their message to their audiences. Space Analysis The 'Coronation of the Virgin' is more of a wide spaced painting wherein the point of attention is focused upon the arising 'Mary' towards the direction of heaven. This spacious factor in the said painting thus contributes to the sense of centralized visionary element that the painter would want to imply to the viewers. On the other hand, the painting of 'Madonna and Child' has a more intact space. This is mainly to denote the close connection of the characters portrayed by the images found in the painting. The closeness shows the relationship that exists between the mother and the child which is common to the actual events in the world. This factor helps portray the painting's touching message of the caring thoughts of a mother towards her child. Form "Coronation of the Virgin" has a form that shows femininity and the fragile aspect of a woman's character. The characteristics of being free and constantly changing is being depicted by the ascending picturesque of"Mary". On the other hand, Madonna and Child depicts the other side of the woman on being a mother. A caring woman who is able to support her young amidst all the challenges in life, whether easy or not. Design and Figures Both the design and figures of the paintings are used to show the elements of the images that are used to show

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