Friday, July 26, 2019

Long term care Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Long term care - Case Study Example Rehabilitation centers also constitute an important part of long-term care facilities. Ethics, on the other hand, refers to the concept of right and wrong. Ethics involves the process of defending and applauding the perception of what is right and what is wrong. Ethics defines the best way for people to live to live and tells what should happen in particular circumstances. The whole concept of ethics is based on human morality. The concept of morality in long-term care facilities go hand in hand. There are, however, various challenges that have evolved in the process of ensuring ethics in such facilities. The concept of reasoning has been a problem in long-term care facilities, especially where the patients are mentally unstable (Ekland-Olson, 2015). Mental instability impairs thinking. The patients in these facilities, therefore, propagate immorality due to the inability to reason logically. Another ethical challenge in long-term care facilities has been the increasing populations in such facilities. The concentration of patients in a small restricted area has made it relatively difficult for the authorities to monitor morality. High population makes it difficult for immoral individuals to be traced. In the United States, care facilities are one of the institutional frameworks that need the establishment of morality. Morality in such institutions can be designed and sustained by increased monitoring of individuals and strict observation of legislated policies. Necessary legal actions should be taken on any staff who does not show morality in their profession (Fan, 2010). More long-term care institutions should also be established to control the increasing challenge of overpopulated facilities. Morality in long-term care facilities should be enhanced bot only for the safety of patients under such care, but also for the moral stability of the nation as a whole. Morality in such institutions should, therefore, be maintained at the highest levels

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